Hello All!! Its been an exciting week here. Here's a day by day report...
Wednesday, April 21 - We celebrated Stephen's 7th birthday a day early. The boys watched a movie and we watched Stephen open his presents. I also packed a little. Here's to putting packing off to the last minute - TOAST!
Thursday, April 22 - I finished packing in the morning and loaded the van as best as I could. Darren took a half day so we could start towards South Dakota sooner. We had forgotten Stephen's birthday cake, so we ate that after lunch. Then we piled into the van and headed west. Here's to Stephen and his 7th birthday - TOAST!
Friday, April 23 - We drove on Thursday until about Midnight and made it all the way to Sioux Falls, SD. Friday morning we were up and on the road with no major problems. Darren stopped for our "traditional" one hour layover at the Mitchell Cabela's. It started to rain just as we were leaving, which wasn't what we wanted to see. It was slow, slow driving between Mitchell and Sturgis. The rain came down hard and the wind blew fierce. It wasn't the most ideal weather for pulling a full trailer behind the van. One time I felt the trailer shifting more than it should have and I had a panic attack. I almost passed out and had to get out and walk around. It was very bad. I haven't had a panic attack like that in years, if ever. We made it to Sturgis in one piece and just in time for decorating for the reception. It was a good thing because we had all the decorations in the trailer. :) I stayed and helped with the creative crew and Darren took the boys to his sister's to unwind. I have a feeling they were all glad to leave me behind to decorate! Here's to arriving in one piece and to a patience husband - TOAST!
Saturday, April 24 - WEDDING DAY! Mauri was a beautiful bride. I'm sure she's heard it a million times, but its true. I plan to put a slideshow of pictures as soon as I locate some. I didn't take a single picture that day. :( The wedding was perfect, but long. Blase did a wonderful job on his first time serving. I was so pleased!! The reception was a party to remember. We ate, danced, drank, danced some more and cleaned up all with the same excitement and joy. Cormac did contribute to the night's entertainment by pulling the fire alarm. That kid!!! It was not funny, but yet funny. What made it laugh worthy was that most people thought the lights were for affect for the dance. Until we explained that it was fire alarm, most didn't notice. I'm sure it didn't help when I requested disco music. Poor Cormac was sad and shook up. He calmed down later in the evening, but we didn't let him out of our sight after that. Here's to beautiful brides, good parties and the children we love, no matter what - TOAST!
Sunday, April 25 - Church was long...long...did I mention long? After Mass we went out to eat at Applebees. I think I got food poisoning though...yuck!! Then we dropped Darren off at the airport so he could fly home. He was going to Indiana for the week and had to get back to be able to drive there on Monday. The boys and I went to Mom and Dad's and watched Mauri and Peter open some of their presents. I had to go back to Darren's sister's to get our clothes and pillows as we had stayed there. Sunday night we relaxed and managed to find sleeping places for everyone. Here's to extra graces from long Masses, the Wright Brothers, generous friends and family and our own pillows at someone else's house - TOAST!!
Monday, April 26 - I have forgotten to mention that for the weekend of the wedding Mom and Dad hosted 24 young women from age 9 to 20something. Monday was spend cleaning up after them. I have decided that cleaning up after 5 little boys is 150% easier than cleaning up after 24 big girls. Mom and I managed to get the house back in order. Most of the girls had left by Monday morning, but the few that were sticking around decided to travel the Black Hills. They had a good time and it gave us a chance to clean up without extra bodies around. Monday afternoon some of John, Mauri, Adam and Juliana's friends came over with their parents. The Mader Family came to see the sod farm and for supper. It was a nice visit and they helped us eat leftovers. Gotta love them just for that!!!! Here's to little boys, little messes, leftovers and making new friends - TOAST!!
Tuesday, April 27 - Tuesday was a blur. We cleaned some more and organized a few things. Stephen went out to eat and to a movie with his Aunt Courtney for a late birthday present. The rest of us were treated to a WONDERFUL, wonderful roasted chicken, asparagus and homemade crouton meal. One of Mauri's friends from Florida knows how to cook!! We found out later that it was her birthday and we didn't even know it. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EMILY!! What a way to spend your birthday - cooking for "strangers". Here's to birthdays and roasted chicken someone else makes - TOAST!!
Wednesday, April 28 - I'm certain we were busy on this day, but for the life of me I can't remember what we did!! OHohoh, I remember!! We played at the Mark Park in the morning since the weather was nice. The kids had a fun time and burned some energy that was not so patiently waiting to get out!! Here's to forgetfulness and then remembering after all- TOAST!!!
Thursday, April 29 - We always spend part of a day at Blase's Godmother's house when we come to South Dakota. The boys look forward to it as do I. We had a yummy lunch with Cecilia and family and then a nice visit. The boys played trains and build a castle. I took a quick trip to Walmart to buy chicken nuggets and fabric for some skirts. I just love babysitters! Here's to Godmothers and visits we HAVE to make every trip - TOAST!!
Friday, April 30 - Mom decided not to work in the sod office on Friday so we babysat Sarah and Rebecca so Jess could work there. The boys had a great time playing with their cousins. I went over to visit my Grandma and Papa Bestgen for a couple hours. I also brought back some old pictures of my dad to scan into the computer. Later Friday afternoon, Twyla brought Shelby and Taylor out so all the cousins were here to play with the boys. We had a sleepover party for all of them. We ate pizza, drank juice boxes, watched The Princess and the Frog, Curious George 2 and part of Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure. Then we all tried to go to sleep. Some were easier than others to convince it was bedtime. Here's to cousins and pizza parties to remember - TOAST!!
Saturday, May 1 - The girls and boys woke up fully rested and ready for fun. They finished watching Tinker Bell and watched The Princess movie again. Jess came over in the morning and we created a skirt pattern for Sarah. I made 3 skirts in the morning and Jess cut out another 3 skirts for me to sew tomorrow. We have one more left to cut out, but need to iron the material. Mom's iron and ironing board are down in Rapid City at the church Mauri got married in...opps! Luke, Jess, Sarah and Rebecca went home after lunch. John was over to visit and stayed until after 5. Dirk and Twyla came to get Shelby and Taylor after 5. Just as they were leaving then our cousin's wife and their 2 girls came to visit. They stayed for a couple hours and supper. It was a busy day, but SOOOooo much fun. Here's to vacations full of fun and family - TOAST!!
Today, Sunday May 2 - We are going to Mass in Belle Fourche at 1 PM and then home to relax. I would love to take them to the Mark Park again, but the weather has been cold, rainy and extremely windy. Welcome to South Dakota!! Here's to the place that is warm, sunny and calm - TOAST!!!!!!!!