I should be tired of apples!
We canned 34 quarts of apple pie filling last Saturday. My brother Paul wondered how long it would take us to use that many quarts of pie filling. As long as it takes to find a sucker to take them off our hands??? Actually I did keep our family and friends in mind when I was making and making and making more pie filling. I am hoping that someone will want to help us eat them.
Darren bought a ton of apples for apple pie filling and for dehydrating. We have filled up the dehydrator twice now. We have one of the BIG dehydrators with too many shelves. Oh but the effort is well spent!! Nothing beats fresh dried apples. The boys love them!!
Darren also plans to dehydrate bananas in the future. I'm sure that will happen after he takes care of all the deer he is bound to get. Our dehydrator stays "dormant" most of the year, but when we use it - we really use it. I just hope there is time and energy left to make some more fruit roll ups. Darren does a good job on those as well!!!
On and exciting side note - I finished using up all the zucchini last Friday night. The last batch of jelly/jam is DONE!! This time I tried blueberry pie filling and berry blue jello and it seemed to taste good. Cormac liked it - 'nough said!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Brech's 2nd birthday
Yes, yes I realize Brech has been 2 since September 23. BUT - there again, I thought it would be nice to post pictures now instead of never.
Two years old. Its a wonderful time of life. You're finally a big boy (or girl). You can do anything, or so you think. Mom gives you lots of attention "BRECH EARL GET OUT OF THAT CUPBOARD!", "BRECH EARL STOP PLAYING IN THE WATER!!!". Yes, she truly loves you the most out of all the others. "Just give Brech Earl the toy so he stops crying!" HA, your at the top of your game, in your best form. Nothing can slow down this wonderful ride called life - except nap time. WHO, honestly who, invented nap time. I'd like to take that guy out behind the wood pile. What a way to ruin a guy's good day. Just when things were going so good, Mom has to go and put 'cha in bed. Oh bother anyway!!
Where's that cake already? (He's so darn cute!)
Mom is letting ME play with fire - awesome! This is the best birthday in YEARS!
Cake is tastes best coming straight from the source.
What I have to use a fork?! (The more kids I have, the less mess I allow. When Blase was little we used to let him just play in the cake and make the biggest messes - what were we thinking??)
Where's Stephen?? Who knows - but 4 outta 5 of the cute boys is pretty good!
He really, really enjoyed opening gifts. He'd hardly look at the present before he was asking for more to open. We had a good laugh out of his excitement.
He was very happy about the new Buzz Lightyear pjs. He was trying to wear them to bed, on top of his Spiderman pjs. He did pretty good until we had to put a damper on that fun and take them off. What a mean mommie!!!
To make things better, Juliana decided to put them on as well. I can't remember for use, but knowing us she probably barked like a dog or did something just as funny. Brech was mad that she was wearing HIS pjs. I'm not sure who has the biggest issue at the moment. Shall we address wearing 2 year old's pajama bottoms on your head first or the fit throwing over your aunt wearing your pajama bottoms on her head. Both are questionable actions. :p (heehee, Ana - gotcha!)
Here he is with all his loot. He did get a package in the mail from his Aunt Courtney after his birthday that included a pair of Lightning McQueen slippers and two books. SPOILED ROTTEN! To add to the slippers and books, he also received 3 pajamas, 5 books, colors, a toy loader, an awesome orange Carhartt shirt that makes it so easy to see him, a new watch, a Toy Story 3 bath towel and wash cloth and money. What a great birthday!!!
Two years old. Its a wonderful time of life. You're finally a big boy (or girl). You can do anything, or so you think. Mom gives you lots of attention "BRECH EARL GET OUT OF THAT CUPBOARD!", "BRECH EARL STOP PLAYING IN THE WATER!!!". Yes, she truly loves you the most out of all the others. "Just give Brech Earl the toy so he stops crying!" HA, your at the top of your game, in your best form. Nothing can slow down this wonderful ride called life - except nap time. WHO, honestly who, invented nap time. I'd like to take that guy out behind the wood pile. What a way to ruin a guy's good day. Just when things were going so good, Mom has to go and put 'cha in bed. Oh bother anyway!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
'Dem dirty squirrels
I've lost my eyes! Where are my eyes? Has anyone seen 'dem dirty squirrels??? I'd get them if I could see them!!!!!
I'm outta here!
From Cormac's book of cute things he's said.
Jan. 8, 2009
Cormac - "That's it I've had it!" (walks downstairs from the bedrooms) "I'm leaving!"
Mom - "Ok, are you going to pack a bag of clothes?"
Cormac - "NO!"
Mom - "Are you at least going to put on socks and shoes?"
Cormac - "NO!"
Mom - "Where are you going?"
Cormac - "I'm going to heaven to see Jesus."
Mom - "Oh, please don't go, I'll miss you."
Cormac - "But I want to see Jesus and go to heaven."
After much talking - Cormac decided to not go to heaven yet. He might "miss my mom and my dad, my friends and my brothers."
Jan. 8, 2009
Cormac - "That's it I've had it!" (walks downstairs from the bedrooms) "I'm leaving!"
Mom - "Ok, are you going to pack a bag of clothes?"
Cormac - "NO!"
Mom - "Are you at least going to put on socks and shoes?"
Cormac - "NO!"
Mom - "Where are you going?"
Cormac - "I'm going to heaven to see Jesus."
Mom - "Oh, please don't go, I'll miss you."
Cormac - "But I want to see Jesus and go to heaven."
After much talking - Cormac decided to not go to heaven yet. He might "miss my mom and my dad, my friends and my brothers."
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Pal
This is a post I would have put together back when I was sick - instead I was sick. Better late than never, maybe.
My pal. My buddy. He's always there for me. Just when I think I have lost him or he has decided to move...he appears out of nowhere.
OK OK - so I fibbed! He's not my pal or my buddy. But he was always there, freaking me out. Meet the snake who lived in our yard this summer. I am not certain if this snake is a boy or a girl snake, but I decided that it is mostly the men in my life that enjoy freaking me out and teasing me - he too shall be referred to as a HE.

Now I am not a big fan of snakes. They don't bother me unless they are close to me. I know, I know its just a wee, little garter snake. He's probably more scared of me than I am of it...but the fact still remains - he was EVERYWHERE I was this late summer. I'd walk down to the garden and jump at every stick thinking "There he is" or "AHH", but when I'd let my guard down BOOM, BANG the stick would move! :) Or the time that I walked by the van and out of the tire crawls "my friend" and I scream. If I was in the back yard, so was he. If I was by the tennis court, so was he. If I was in the front yard, so was he. Mom suggested that I could have three snakes - she wasn't my friend for that moment either!
After awhile I decided to threaten him. Ok - this is sad, but I spent a lot of time talking to this creature. I told him to get out of my yard and visit the neighbors. When that didn't work I threatened to bring my St. Patrick statue out and chase him. Lucky for him that was about the time I started getting sick and didn't feel like chasing anyone or anything!
This is a lovely picture of my "pal". One afternoon I was thinking about him, wondering where he was, if he was dead or what. So I looked out the window and sure enough there he is. Now it wasn't unusual to see him by the deck, but this time...he was eating something, right there in front of me. SOOO, we all hurry out on to the deck, camera in hand. We watched, some in horror (me) and some in awe (everyone else) at this snake slowly moving his lunch down his body. Yah - after that I gave up. He was truly a friend to all them boys. They hadn't seen anything near that great in "hundreds of years!" I know when I'm beat, I know when to give up. He was welcomed to stay as long as he wanted...just STAY AWAY from ME!!!
One last point - where is the safest place to be when there is a snake in the yard???
Why on top of the hummingbird feeder of course! Too bad there wasn't room for me up there.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Love hurts
Over the past few months I have been pondering love. The typical person speaks of love in such a careless and carefree manner that it almost annoys me. They throw out the word "love", yet have no concept of true love. The phrase "I love you" is often spoken in a noncommittal way. No different than telling someone what you are serving for supper. I will admit I am just as guilty as the next person to pass out "I love you's" with no emotion.
I love you. Its a statement, a classic way of expressing our feelings. In today's society its considered enough. Gee, its just love - what's the big deal, right?? It comes and goes like the day you're in love, the next...who cares. I can take care of myself. I don't need you or your crap. There is something and someone out there who is better for me anyway. So there.
So I'm pondering love. Love is so much more than words. We know this, but we have a hard time showing it or even seeing it. We see the forest, but not the trees. We see mountain of pain and suffering, but not the love that accompanies it, guides us through. Since I started thinking about love I've noticed, in my own life and the lives of those around me, that love is everywhere. And that there is pain that comes with love or loving someone. Here's some examples I've been considering. I'm sure you will easily pick out the ones that apply to me and those that apply to others.
Consider - a couple is blessed by God with a new baby. The mother carries this baby in her, protecting and loving this baby every minute. The father watches as his wife changes and he loves her more for it. The mother bears the pain of morning sickness, sleepless nights, growing pains and finally labor and delivery. It hurts because she loves. The father bears the pain of watching, helpless, while his wife struggles with her pain. He knows he cannot take her pain away or share the burden. It hurts because he loves.
Consider - this baby grows and grows. Now this baby is a feisty child. Like all children it has a tendency to test his parents patience. Maybe there is back-talking or fighting with his siblings. The famous "I hate you" or "You don't love me" because the parents, like good, decent parents, made the child pick up their room. I must stop and put in a small chuckle here because we have all been there. Our parents were SOoo unfair to us...if only we had known then what we know now. The parents of this child (or children) feel the pain of every mean statement, ungrateful attitude and disobedient action. It hurts because they love. Now let's consider a positive side to those feisty children. They build a wonderful creation, possibly out of blocks or maybe drawn on paper. They are proud of this accomplishment. Its taken all their God-given talents to pull it off. There is joy in the air! Then they drop it or it gets ruined by an overly helpful sibling. There are tears and long faces and the parents do what they can, but they cannot fix it. I've been known to cry right along side my children in a case like this. It hurts because we love.
A young daughter marries. There is celebrating, yet she knows she must leave her family. It hurts because she loves.
A son moves out, makes some rotten decisions and has to pay for his actions. The parents (possibly siblings too) fret and worry about him. It hurts because they love.
Your spouse or other family member is upset at you. Maybe its a big deal, maybe its a little problem. Either way it hurts because you love.
Here's one that really takes the prize...someone you care about, someone you trust says some terrible, uncalled for things about your family. Their only goal seems to be ruining your day, day after day. It hurts because you love and you thought they loved too.
Someone you care about is growing older and you know their time on earth will be over sooner than later. You see them unable to do the things they once did, yet too stubborn to admit it. You hear the exhaustion in their voice and you cannot not lighten their burden. You feel the pain of their passing before they are gone. It hurts because you love.
Death. Its final. It waits for no one. It hurts because you love.
Love hurts - that's plain to see. But a life without love is not a life worth living. I say give me the pain...give me the heartache...give me the tears...because with them comes the love. The love that molds us into who we are today. The love that blesses us with family and friends. The love that gets us into heaven.
I love you. Its a statement, a classic way of expressing our feelings. In today's society its considered enough. Gee, its just love - what's the big deal, right?? It comes and goes like the day you're in love, the next...who cares. I can take care of myself. I don't need you or your crap. There is something and someone out there who is better for me anyway. So there.
So I'm pondering love. Love is so much more than words. We know this, but we have a hard time showing it or even seeing it. We see the forest, but not the trees. We see mountain of pain and suffering, but not the love that accompanies it, guides us through. Since I started thinking about love I've noticed, in my own life and the lives of those around me, that love is everywhere. And that there is pain that comes with love or loving someone. Here's some examples I've been considering. I'm sure you will easily pick out the ones that apply to me and those that apply to others.
Consider - a couple is blessed by God with a new baby. The mother carries this baby in her, protecting and loving this baby every minute. The father watches as his wife changes and he loves her more for it. The mother bears the pain of morning sickness, sleepless nights, growing pains and finally labor and delivery. It hurts because she loves. The father bears the pain of watching, helpless, while his wife struggles with her pain. He knows he cannot take her pain away or share the burden. It hurts because he loves.
Consider - this baby grows and grows. Now this baby is a feisty child. Like all children it has a tendency to test his parents patience. Maybe there is back-talking or fighting with his siblings. The famous "I hate you" or "You don't love me" because the parents, like good, decent parents, made the child pick up their room. I must stop and put in a small chuckle here because we have all been there. Our parents were SOoo unfair to us...if only we had known then what we know now. The parents of this child (or children) feel the pain of every mean statement, ungrateful attitude and disobedient action. It hurts because they love. Now let's consider a positive side to those feisty children. They build a wonderful creation, possibly out of blocks or maybe drawn on paper. They are proud of this accomplishment. Its taken all their God-given talents to pull it off. There is joy in the air! Then they drop it or it gets ruined by an overly helpful sibling. There are tears and long faces and the parents do what they can, but they cannot fix it. I've been known to cry right along side my children in a case like this. It hurts because we love.
A young daughter marries. There is celebrating, yet she knows she must leave her family. It hurts because she loves.
A son moves out, makes some rotten decisions and has to pay for his actions. The parents (possibly siblings too) fret and worry about him. It hurts because they love.
Your spouse or other family member is upset at you. Maybe its a big deal, maybe its a little problem. Either way it hurts because you love.
Here's one that really takes the prize...someone you care about, someone you trust says some terrible, uncalled for things about your family. Their only goal seems to be ruining your day, day after day. It hurts because you love and you thought they loved too.
Someone you care about is growing older and you know their time on earth will be over sooner than later. You see them unable to do the things they once did, yet too stubborn to admit it. You hear the exhaustion in their voice and you cannot not lighten their burden. You feel the pain of their passing before they are gone. It hurts because you love.
Death. Its final. It waits for no one. It hurts because you love.
Love hurts - that's plain to see. But a life without love is not a life worth living. I say give me the pain...give me the heartache...give me the tears...because with them comes the love. The love that molds us into who we are today. The love that blesses us with family and friends. The love that gets us into heaven.
He hurt because He loved.....

She hurt because she loved...
Monthly prayers updated
November is the month of the Poor Souls in Purgatory. I have encouraged a great love for the poor souls in each of my boys. I want them to never cease praying for those souls in need. My dad planted a great devotion in me to the poor souls, especially the most forgotten soul. I want to keep the devotion going in my own family. We say prayers every night for the poor souls, but in November we "bump up" our prayers for these special friends of ours. Honestly - I'm counting on all their prayers to help get me to heaven someday. I believe that praying for them is beneficial to every one's soul. :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saintly Game
Welcome to our All Saints' Day game. Can you name the following saints??? Good luck!
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