Today is the last day that Brech is two. Don't let his innocent, catsup covered face fool you. He was FULL of TERRIBLE TWO type energy today. I'm so glad its bedtime here!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Two Too Long
Mini Office for School
I am making mini offices for Brech, my brother, and some of my nieces. Here's the general idea of a mini office. You take a file folder (or one and a half) and glue different things onto it that will help the child with learning.
I used various websites that already had mini office examples and created a few of my own. Each of my boys have one already, but they were my first attempt so they don't contain as many things as this one does. If we ever move I will probably make them new ones with the new address and phone number.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Slightly Sick
I had a bit of a cold this morning. As the day has gone on it has gotten worse to the point that now I think its a flu of some sort. The boys were super excited this morning when I told them we were having a sick day. I was in no mood to think about anything but coughing and sleeping.
Here's some of the comments I heard:
"Mom, I'm so glad you are sick." Blase
"Cormac you say Hip Hip." Rex - followed quickly by Cormac saying "Hip Hip" and Rex saying "Hooray!"
"Mom, this is the best day of the week." Stephen
Oh boy. Who knew their mother being sick was a cause for celebration with these boys. They have been good about helping out and staying quiet today. They tried to help with Gianna and even watched her for me for a few minutes so I could lay down without her. Such sweet boys even if they were happy I was sick. If I continue to feel this way tomorrow, I'm sure the happiness will continue.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Oconto Fly-In
The four oldest boys, Gianna, and I had a wonderful time at the fly-in on Saturday. You must send a special thank you to the lady in the office that day. I ran out of batteries, so I asked if they had any I could buy off of them. She gave me some for free. Without her generosity you would get to see one picture. Thank you wonderful lady!
Rex is in the back seat.
Do you want Stephen driving to your fire....
or Cormac who keeps his eyes on the road??
A jeep with a trailer behind it.
The sweetest face of the day!
The boys have been watching Hogan's Heroes recently. They were telling me all about how the Germans must have used this one because of the flag. I guess Hogan's Heroes taught them one thing - what the Nazi flag looks like.
The opening act was impressive. It looks almost life size huh??
Limbo anyone??
Of course the Red Baron gets shot down.
And the Red Baron, complete with little guns and a Red Baron man.
We had a great time. It was a long day. We arrived at 10:15 and left around 4 PM. I'm glad I took the boys, though next time I may take Darren along to help chase. The boys were so very good. I was very proud of them. Stephen even made friends with a Commander. Leave it to Stephen to start talking to someone and then next thing you know they are swapping life stories. I can't wait to see how he is when he's a teenager. Oh my.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
We're Going Batty!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Three Words
I have three words that might change your entire day. I'll get to that in a moment.
Am I correct in assuming you know who Archbishop Fulton Sheen is? If you do not know who he is then you are living in a dark age of ignorance! His wisdom is so simple that anyone can understand it. You really should watch one of his TV shows or read one of his books. Have you ever wanted to meet someone famous? I have always wanted to meet Archbishop Sheen. I was born a few decades too late for that, but I can't wait to meet him in heaven.
Darren and I enjoy listening to his talks and own quite a few of his recordings. We listened to one on our way to the Land of the Trolls last weekend. That is where I heard those three words.
Archbishop Sheen pointed out that you can wake up in the morning and either say "Good morning God!" or say "Good God, morning!" You have no idea how those three words hit me like a board across the face. How many mornings or afternoons or evenings had I said "Good God, afternoon!" (or something similar). How many times had my day continued down the path of frustration because of my choice of words? I really pondered that. I could think of time after time that I had been upset at the boys or at myself and could have changed my whole afternoon by simply rearranging the words to say "Good afternoon God!"
I am a firm believer that God sends your way, just what you need to hear, at just the right time. You probably noticed that we had a busy Saturday. Sunday morning rolled around far earlier than I wanted it to. We had stayed up late, the little ones didn't sleep well, and since we were all tired it took longer for us to wake up. By the time Darren managed to get the boys and I up (which took 10 minutes) we had 15 minutes to get ready and be OUT the door for Mass. We leave about 6:30 AM. I was tired, grumpy, and that annoying headache I've been dealing with was present in full force.
The boys were still in bed when I "fell" out of my own bed. I was frustrated. Am I painting a clear enough picture of the building tension in the house?? Blase grabs Stephen's socks and throws them in the dirty clothes because he thinks they are from the day before. Stephen is upset because Blase took his socks. Blase won't touch the socks because they were in the dirty clothes hamper. I've lost it. I'm yelling at them to get dressed and knock it off. Rex won't get out of bed...I'm yelling at him to go to the bathroom. Cormac is daydreaming and not getting dressed. I'm at a boiling point.
Into the picture walks Darren, who had been lhunting down shoes for everyone. He tells me to just get dressed and worry about Gianna and Brech. I'm clutching my hands, gritting my teeth, boiling, boiling, boiling. Then a voice calls out to me from deep inside.....
Good morning, God.
I'm still boiling. It calls again.
Good morning, God.
YES I HEAR YOU. Boiling, boiling.
Good morning, God.
The voice never sounded harsh. It never got louder. It never ceased. I listened.
Good morning, God. Good morning, God.
Yes, it was a good morning. I calmed down. I listened to my husband and obeyed without a comment back (those of you who REALLY know me know that was a miracle huh?). We finished getting ready and made it out the door on time. When we got to church I went in early to check for a missal that was misplaced.
Good morning, God.
The voice tells me again. I hear it. I know what it means. I found Father and requested to go to confession. It was a good morning. What kind of morning would it have been if I had stubbornly stuck to my selfish "Good God, morning!" attitude??
Next time you have a bad moment think "Good morning, God!" I can guarantee your attitude will change and your day just might get better.
Monday, September 12, 2011
In the Land of the Trolls - Part Two
This is the lens from the lighthouse before it was retired. The lighthouse flashed a red light. We learned that there were different patterns and colors of lights flashed to distinguish between the different lighthouses in the area.
Stretch those arms!!
Way, way down there we see someone we know. They also saw us way, way up high. The tour guide was nice enough to point out that there was a man with a red hat waving up at someone.
Wasn't the view worth the climb? Beautiful!
Headed back down, one at a time.
There was a room below the room where the lens was kept. This is where the lighthouse keeper or assistant stayed while they were on duty. This was the view from one of the windows.
Cormac taking his sweet ol' time coming down the tower.
Lake Huron in the background.
And home we go...
We got roughly 15 minutes on our side of the bridge before Blase realized that he forgot his cap at the restaurant. So we turn around and pay $3.50 each way to get his cap. What began as a free hat is now worth $7. We figured it was cheaper than buying him a new one. Now I was quite concerned for poor Blase being upset about forgetting his hat. My concern ceased the moment I realized we would have to go back over the bridge and return again. Oh bother.
One side of the bridge....
now the other.
We ended our trip with a stop at Culver's for some yummy custard. After a day like that, bedtime did not come fast enough. This concludes our trip to the Land of the Trolls and home again. I do hope you enjoyed the trip. I also hope your knees are not as worn out as mine.
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