Once upon a time there were three movers, Ed, Chris, and Dylan. They packed the upstairs, they packed the basement. They packed the kitchen, school room, living room and finally the bedrooms. All was going well until the three year old got upset.
He looked for a toy.
"Dey packed da toys!"
He looked for a book.
"Dey packed da books!"
He ran up to his room and came out with a scowl on his face.
"DEY PACKED MY BED!!!" Huumph (arms crossed and a mighty fine glare on his face)
You have to understand that they didn't take anyone else's bed since the others had to be taken apart. Brech sleeps on a toddler bed. This made things just that much more confusing. They took his toys, books and just HIS bed. Poor fellow. Later that night, Brech was getting ready to go to sleep on his mattress that was on the floor when he asked for his bear stuffed animal. He never asks for his bear. So I looked for it all over the room. When I told Brech I couldn't find the bear he said, "Dem boys took my bear and put it in a box." He was pissed.
The next morning he woke up saying "Dey took my toys, dey took my books, dey took my bed, da boys took my bear and put it in a box," over and over again. He didn't smile at the movers the rest of the day. We probably scarred him for life over this move. He won't let anyone take his bed away again.
We had a car moving company come pick up the big van for us. When Brech noticed it was gone he was even more upset because they "took my van" too. After the movers had all the beds loaded Brech ran up to me and informed me that they had taken my bed too. I suppose he was looking for support for his "anti-mover" group. We have tried to give lots of hugs and assuring words. This is his first move. Sad, sad day.

The move has gone ok. The movers finished packing and loading almost everything yesterday. They have a few things to pick up this morning. We will be leaving our house this afternoon and on our way to North Dakota. I'm not sure how the kids are taking it. Its been a long, long week watching the movers pack everything and keeping the boys out of boxes and away from stacks of packed boxes.
This has been the hardest move of all of them. I don't remember having this much stress - but then again I didn't have as many kids to keep out of the way. On a side note, this move will be a great sacrifice to offer for my brother Mark on his 20th birthday. I'm emotional as it is, but add missing Mark in the mix hasn't been easy today. I guess I won't ever forget the day we moved away from our house here in Michigan.