Its been a slow week around here. We finished planting the garden this past weekend. I will have to get some pictures of it before the weeds take over or the deer get hungry. We also did some cleaning and organizing of the last room in the house that has not had any attention since we moved in. Darren plans to paint that room soon and then Cormac and Rex can move downstairs. We had someone come check our A/C only to find out we need a new one and a new furnace before winter comes. Yah, its been a slow week. The most exciting news is that....

Cormac FINALLY lost his other front tooth. This is his "Smile really big for the camera so everyone can see your missing teeth," smile. I love the wrinkled nose and goofy eyes. He fished $1.50 out of a cup of water from the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy didn't come the first night. There was a rumor (started by Mom) that she sent an email saying she couldn't make it because it was raining where she was. Tooth fairies are a lot like insects - they can't fly when their wings are wet. They actually believed the story.....
Gianna enjoyed helping Mom cut out a quilt.
Mom did not enjoy having Gianna help with the quilt. She got bored though.
She decided to move on to bigger and better adventures. Messing with Mom's computer ranks fairly high in the bigger and better as well as adventure aspect.
She was extremely proud of herself when she figured out how to start the movie.
Obviously it was a good movie.
Its been such a slow week. Movies, quilts, tooth fairies - just your normal excitement.