Thursday, August 30, 2012

Too Many Chiefs

Sweet little Gianna has some new markers and paper.  Yah for Color Wonder markers!! 
 Today we made Native American headbands with colorful feathers.  If feathers are a sign of status then Brech Earl is the head chief.  He HAD to have every color.
 Cormac's turned out very nice with just about as many feathers as Brech.
Rex spent the most time on his headband and picked least amount of feathers.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tepee? Hat?

Cormac and Rex are learning about Native Americans in school.  One of our extra projects was to make a tepee.  Now you are thinking I am crazy for doing extra projects on top of the already mountain of projects - and I agree!!  This extra project was SOO worth the little effort I put into it.
 Cormac's tepee
 Rex's tepee
Mom, MOM, I want to make a party hat too!!! PLEASSSSE!!!! 
So we made tepees and party hats.  

This kid is my light at the end of the tunnel, my silver lining in the dark rain cloud.  I sure love this kid!!  I will have to remember that next time the boys want to do an extra project it just might be worth the time because it will probably brighten my day as well.  If this wasn't enough to brighten your day then just imagine this same kid walking away with his party hat on singing "Let's have a pardy....prodeed to pardy."  (A little 3 year old's version of a Toby Keith song - if you don't happen to have a translation button on your computer)

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Watery Mess

Just when I think there was nothing to blog about......

His brothers claim it was Brech Earl's mess. There was a toy boat floating in the sink with the water running and the sink plugged. That sure does sound like Brech, but there are two problems with the story. One - the door was shut, two - the light was off. Brech Earl has YET to shut off a light or shut a door behind himself. I suppose there is a first for everything.
There was standing water on the bathroom floor. 
On the other side of the wall is the bathroom sink. 

 This container was closed under the sink.  It was almost completely full with water.
 Two fans on the bathroom...
and four fans on the stairs.

The carpet cleaner served its purpose today.  After two "back and forth's" the carpet cleaner needed to be emptied.  That was repeated over and over and over and over again.  Four hours later it is still wet.  Sigh.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

From There to Here

Blase, Rex, and I attended Grandma's funeral yesterday.  We also drove home yesterday.  Here's our trip notes.

I restarted the mileage in Sturgis, so we drove to Papa's house before we started home.

Mile 19.2 - Karen yawns for the first time.

Mile 40.8 - We had to stop near Owl Butte for Rex to pee.

Mile 46.7 - The mini-van hits 196,196 miles.

Mile 61.4 - Karen wishes there was better music on the radio.

Mile 62.0 - Road kill - deer

Mile 71.4 - Paul yawns with in rush hour traffic in Austin, TX.  He called me to see how things were going.  The call was lost due to lack of cell coverage shortly after this.

Mile 76.5 - We honked our horn at Uncle Robert and Aunt JoDee's house as we drove by.

Mile 105.7 - Stopped in Faith, SD for food and bathroom breaks.  We also saw Aunt Tracy and Justin Ingalls in the gas station.  We visited with them for a few minutes.

Mile 118.1 - I finished eating my cheeseburger.

Mile 121.2 - I finally found a good radio station.

Mile 132.0 - Road kill - unknown

Mile 149.1 - Blase blew a huge bubble with his gum.  (Mom keep track of that!)

Mile 170.1 - We saw 8 deer in a field near a small pond.

Mile 184.2 - I saw a hawk on a telephone pole just as Rex opens his pop with fizzed everywhere.  He learned a valuable lesson about NOT shaking his pop in the van with his mom driving.

Mile 190 - We drove by a fire that appeared to have burned multiple acres and structure.  There were burnt telephone poles, fence posts on both sides of the road, and a big pile of something I couldn't identify.  The firefighters had managed to save someone's house in the middle of all of burnt land.  The fire had recently been put out, like less than an hour as the fire crews were still monitoring the hot spots.  God bless those firefighters and all firefighters.

Mile 200.7 - I realized and it sank in that there will be no more violin songs for Grandma, no more visits with her on vacation, no more birthday cards to or from her, no more asking Dad how Grandma was doing.  I think the emptiness became reality at this mile.  It only lasted a few intense seconds.

Mile 201.4 - We crossed the Missouri River.

Mile 208.7 - We drove by an abandoned house with part of the upstairs wall missing.  If you looked inside the house you can see a closet full of clothes still hanging up in this abandoned house.  Strange.

Mile 220.1 - We stopped in Gettysburg, SD to fill up and use the bathroom.  We have managed to get 23.4 miles to the gallon at this point.

Mile 235.4 - Rex asks me why I'm going to sleep on the way home.  Yes, I giggled.

Mile 245.6 - I saw a fox in the ditch.

Mile 263.9 - The boys convinced me to turn around for a historical marker.  We had stopped for at least 2 before that on our trip.  This marker was about the 6th governor of South Dakota.

Mile 275.8 - Pretty much dark now.

Mile 283.6 - I just realized I could use my brights.  Sigh.

Mile 290.0 - We were saying a rosary and Rex reminds Blase that he is suppose to keep me awake.  (We are still praying out loud during all of this.) Blase then asks me if I am sleeping to which I reply no.  He quickly adds that he just wanted to know if he should kick my chair.  He was instructed by his dad before the trip to kick my chair if I started to fall asleep.  Then just as we were leaving Papa's my mom told Blase the same thing.  Could I have been praying out loud in my sleep?  Yes, I giggled, again.

Mile 321 - I used to peppermint essential oil to help me keep focused.  I was feeling VERY tired by this point.  I was convinced I should stay in Watertown for the night.  I ended up visiting with my brother for a bit and that helped keep me awake.  By the end of that phone call I was sure I could make it home.

Mile 455.7 - In North Dakota.  You should see my notes at this point.  I'm writing in the dark, quick notes that would not make sense to anyone else.  I'm also writing downhill or uphill.  You may think this was silly of me, but honestly keeping these notes helped me to stay awake.  I was always on the lookout for something that was interesting.  Obviously there was nothing of interest between miles 321 and 455.

Mile 462.8 - I ended a call with my mom to let her know that I was going to drive all the way home instead of staying in Watertown.  It was getting late enough that I wanted to make sure they knew I was doing good and was awake enough to make it home.

Mile 509.4 - I keep thinking over and over again - "ARE WE HOME YET!?!?!"

Mile 516.9 - HOME.  Finally.  The mini-van's mileage at this point - 196,666.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Grandma Remembered

Walk me with as I show you my Grandma Bestgen's life.  Today we will bury her.  Please remember the family as we close this chapter of Grandma's life.  God bless her family, God bless Grandma.
 1930 - 8 months old with her dad, Earl Enright.
1930- 8 months old with her mom, Rita Enright. 
 1932 - in front of the playhouse her dad built for her.
 1938 - Darlene with her parents, brother, and sister.

 1938 - First Holy Communion in Rapid City, SD
1940 - Confirmation in Rapid City, SD
 1947 - Graduation picture Sturgis, SD

 July 6, 1950 - Phil and Darlene Bestgen married in Sturgis, SD
Phil and Darlene's family 
 again in 2010
Most of the Bestgen Family in 2010.

That is what Grandma's beautiful life looked like.  A beautiful lady, a beautiful soul, a beautiful legacy.  It is hard to say goodbye to such an incredible person.  I try to remember that our goodbyes are only temporary.  She is one more piece of our family puzzle in heaven.  Some day I will join her, God willing, and add my piece to the puzzle.  At the end of time our puzzle will be complete.  It comforts me to know that Grandma will have cleaned my spot all up and baked some brownies or cookies to share.  She'll be sitting there crocheting a blanket for someone while talking to her mother about the good ol' days.  Those are my memories of her.  Do you have any memories of my grandma?  Please share them if you want to.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Grandma and her Grandson

Grandma Darlene Bestgen died shortly after I posted about her on the 16th.  

Today is the 4th anniversary of my brother Mark's death.  I am not sad today because I am rejoicing the lives of Grandma and Mark and at the fact that there must have been a grand reunion in heaven on the 16th.  Grandma missed Mark so very much.  I know that if Mark had outlived Grandma that her death would have been hard for him.  He loved her and was completely devoted to her happiness.  He would visit her all the time since we lived just down the road and across a field from her.  I know those two had a special bond.
Here is Mark sitting on Grandma's lap in 1993.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas who always had  an open lap policy and time to cuddle. 
 Grandma took this picture in 1995 of Mark holding the hand of her Blessed Virgin Mary statue.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas that lived her faith and shared it.
 Grandma took this picture of Grandpa and Mark in 1997.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas that always took the pictures and made sure she ordered extra copies to share.
 HA HA we took this picture of Grandma and Mark on his 7th birthday in 1998.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas who came for birthday parties and brought gifts.
 Adam, Grandma and Mark in 2000.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas that loved to give the spotlight to her grandchildren and their special accomplishments. This was a good example of how she did that.  This was her birthday cake that was shared with Adam, whose birthday is the day before hers.  This was her birthday cake that was shared with Mark for his First Holy Communion.
This is a picture that Grandma took of Mark in 2001.  Grandma was one of those good grandmas that honestly believed everything her grandkids created was beautiful.  She would have treasured that snowman until the day it melted.  She was proud of the things her grandkids made for her.  If you could see her wall you would understand.  There was never a scribble on a paper or a handprint in paint that was considered unworthy to hang up on her wall or put in a book to enjoy later.

Grandma was one of those good grandmas.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin
 Robin: "You can't get away from Batman that easy!" 
Batman: "Easily." 
Robin: "Easily." 
Batman: "Good grammar is essential, Robin." 
Robin: "Thank you." 
Batman: "You're welcome."
 The way we get into these scrapes and get out of them, it's almost as though 
 someone was dreaming up these situations; guiding our destiny. - Robin
 Of course, Robin. Even crime-fighters must eat. And especially you. 
You're a growing boy (girl) and you need your nutrition. - Batman
 Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose! - Batman
After hitting her head on the door:
It's all a blur. Like a horrible day-mare. - Robin
Remember Robin, always look both ways. - Batman

All Batman and Robin quotes were 
borrowed from 
in their Batman and Robin section.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sad for Those Being Left Behind

I am selfishly sitting here posting on my blog while my parents and other family members are keeping a bedside vigil for my Grandma Bestgen.  She is on her way to life everlasting.  She has lived such a long, beautiful life.  She will tell you that there are 145 in her family, though I'm sure the rest of us have lost count.  That number alone tells you what kind of legacy she is leaving behind.  I found a quote by St. Francis of Assisi that fits her beautifully.

Remember that when you leave this earth you can take nothing of what you have received, but only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.

I said my good-byes to Grandma when I was in South Dakota last time knowing that it may be my last chance.  What a blessing to be able to have peace in my heart about her death.  She is on her way to such rewards in heaven. As Jesus said in John 14:1-3 "Let not your heart be troubled.  You believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house there are many mansions.  Were it not so, I should have told you, because I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again, and I will take you to myself; that where I am, there you also may be."  Her place in heaven is waiting for her with grandsons ready to show her the way.

I grieve not so much for the loss of Grandma, but grieve for those that are left behind.  So many of the 145 of us will feel her loss in our daily lives.  She very much had an active part in all of our lives from sending birthday cards to attending recitals to always taking time to visit when we stopped in.  If you pray for my grandma, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Please remember the rest of the family as well.  Prayer does help.

I am not worried though.

Our family is like a building of bricks and Grandma and Grandpa are the mortar holding us together.  The building was built on a strong foundation of love and faith.  There are support beams of trust, honesty, helping hands, strong shoulders to cry on, laughter, and deep-rooted traditions woven between every brick.  Grandma and Grandpa did such a great job of establishing those support beams that our family building will never fall down.  I would even venture to say that we will only become stronger and our building taller as time goes on.

To quote Christopher Robin (who isn't as special as St. Francis of Assisi, but carries just as much authority in this house of boys)...who says to Winnie the Pooh...

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” 

Grandma will always be with us.  The things she taught us and the words she spoke to us will always remain in our hearts.  We will gather courage from her accomplishments, strength from her examples, and wisdom from her simple loving ways.  One life that impacted many.  She truly is taking with her a full heart and leaving behind hundreds of hearts she has filled up.

God bless you Grandma Bestgen.  I love you.  I will miss you.  Pray for us.  And say Hi to Mark for me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

If You

If you leave your camera down for everyone to use you will find pictures like this.
 A blurry Blase with the arch. "But Mom we have NEVER made an arch before."
One of my moments of happiness today came from the fact that they must have shared the camera.   I know they worked together to build the arch, but sharing picture taking duty is priceless.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Its That Time Again

Time for fun.
Time for learning.
Time for school.

Though we have been working on school here and there for the last couple of weeks - this is our first official week.  In other words, we officially turned in our Intent to Homeschool papers to the school district.

So far I have heard all the grumbling that accompanies a new school.  I'm hoping after we get a routine in place those will cease the fun times can start.  So far we have "stinky" math books (pink stinks) and "stinky" grammer books (there again, pink stinks).  The bigger boys are slowly getting into the swing of things.  I am impressed with Blase and his diligence to his school work.  He probably has the hardest subject work and yet can complete his work before anyone else.  We have found which subjects are going to be arm twisters (Bible study) and which ones they beg to do first (math).  

I still feel like the ring master of a 6-ring circus.  The Gianna sideshow is keeping me busier than ever.  She NEEDS her own books and pencils.  She has been stealing workbooks and scribbling with anything she can get her hands on.  I'm glad she wants to be a part of our school, but none of us will have any hair left if she keeps this up.  Even her brothers are "pulling their hair out" over her eagerness.

Over the next couple of days I plan to give you a look into their subjects and required work.  Please keep us in your prayers as we start out on our continuing education journey.  I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Vacation for Me

I'm on a homeschooling retreat with a great group of mothers. Think of this like summer camp for moms. I'm having a wonderful time meeting new people and catching up with an old friend. I will be here until Saturday evening. We are learning about teaching science using the. Charlotte Mason method. I am super excited. Poor Darren is home with all the kids. I hope they are having a good time without me. I don't really miss them yet. Brech was sad and wanted to come. He said I wouldn't be able to find him and would miss him. Sniff, sniff. This is my first vacation without Darren or any children for four years. It's been a long time coming.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Captivating Audience

 What could possibly have these kids so captivated?
Magic show?
 A piano tuning.

We had front row seating for our very own piano tuning.  The kids actually learned quite a bit (so did I).  The whole process was very interesting.  Our piano was SERIOUSLY out of tune.  Now it's back in tune and I still can't make it sound right.  :-)
Still watching, still listening, still captivated an hour into it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cut, Color, Build

This week I have been preparing for school to start.  Its been a laid back, low stress kind of week.
 Cormac and his dad built his fighter jet wooden model he received at Christmas.  He's super happy about it and couldn't wait for the glue to dry.
 Brech has been building planes out of Lego blocks.  He always gives his inventions to either Dad or Mom when he's done.  You have never seen a more proud inventor than Brech.
 This was Rex's first attempt at coloring with oil pastels.  That is Darren hunting a bird. The sign says "BIRD SEASON".  I think he would have used up all the oil pastels and my paper if I hadn't put a stop to it.
This is my new haircut.  Last night I decided to go clothes shopping.  I bought 5 skirts and 2 shirts.  As I was walking by the Regis I decided to get my hair cut too.  It was all very random, which is odd for me.