Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Whatta Guy

Blase is into saying "Swings, they all win in the end."
Blase hanging out in his splint.

On the first Friday of August Blase was swinging.  Did I mention that was the day of the company picnic at OUR house?  We hosted roughly 60 people who were mostly still there while Blase was swinging.  All of a sudden he just let go and fell off.  Well, the swing won and Blase lost.  After a 2 hour visit to the ER it was determined he had broken his arm with a type of fracture called a Colles Fracture that was somewhat close to his wrist.

We took him to see an orthopedic doctor the following Monday.  We found out that technically he has a Distal Radius Metaphyseal Fracture.  That's a fancy way of saying he broke his radius bone.  In Blase's case he broke it close to growth plate, but far enough away it is safe from problems.  The good thing is that since he is so young his arm will remodel itself and he won't require surgery unless he does something to it again.  At this appointment and based on the X-rays from the ER it was determined that he had an 18 degree fracture.  His arm was still too swollen for a cast so another appointment was made for the following Friday.
At the Friday appointment they took new X-rays and determined that it was a 13 degree fracture (better pictures).  His hand and arm was also ready for a cast.  He will have to come in every 2 weeks for a check up and possibly a new cast.  They expect he will be in a cast for 4-6 weeks.  This is exactly what we needed in our last 6 weeks before the babies come.  Always something exciting here!
 He chose green, but was disappointed he couldn't have a camo cast.
Whatta guy!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Day in August

This is the day in August that can either make or break me.  This is the day that Mark died and this year marks the fifth year.  Looking back - I guess the five year anniversary was not on my mind, but if I had thought about I would have probably painted a very different picture of myself at this point.  I suppose I would have expected me to be a wreck, dreading the day, wishing for things that could never be.  Boy would I have proven myself wrong.  Today was an ok, normal, just your average work load kind of day.

Today started out with me reading my posts about Mark on the blog and shedding a few tears.  That was followed by answering the questions of a 7-year old about Mark and his death.  I expect that at least one child will ask every year.  Then the day started and I really didn't dwell on Mark again until this evening's rosary.

The hardest part of today was watching my 10-year old grief, tears and all, for his uncle.  He was so young, so innocent when it happened that now he must come to terms with it in his own time.  I cried for him.  Oh to be in those shoes and take away his pain.  I would do it in a heartbeat.  I know that wouldn't help him become the man he will be.  This is part of our family no different than a birth.  He must accept it, grief for Mark, and grow up missing him as the rest of us have.  I can't take those steps from him, but I wish I could.

I thank God for His many blessings on our family since last year.  I ask for His continued graces to be given to all of us who grief for Mark, either today or any other day.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Garden Fun

Cormac's "biggest" berry from our yard. 
 Stephen picked the first big carrot.  Since then Cormac has picked a bigger one since.
Our sunflowers are getting TALL!

The garden looks great.  We are getting lots of tomatoes and cucumbers at the moment.  The rest of the garden is keeping us busy with weeding and such.

As the Belly Grows....Part 5

This picture was taken about 29 Weeks.

The babies are looking good.  Heart rates have been in their normal range. I am weighing in at a healthy 163 and measuring 35 cm.  I am almost through Week 31 at this point.  Getting closer....
This was my only complaint prior to today.  My feet have never looked and felt worse.  Some nights I can hardly walk.  I think that is a small price to pay for these twins.  Very early in the AM I started with some intense itching on the soles of my feet and hands.  It continued most of the day.  I did go in for a blood test and it says my liver enzymes are fine.  We will have to wait 7-10 days for the other test result.  If this continues I will probably end up losing a lot of sleep.  Both are such minor issues in themselves, but with other symptoms they can be serious enough to cause harm to the babies.  I am sure the doctors will watch me carefully.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Lifetime of Love in Nine Minutes

Memories saved and put together just for my dad and his family today.  I will remember all of you in my thoughts and prayers today.

I miss Grandma, too.

Slippery Fun

We tried Blase's birthday present out a couple of Sundays ago.
 At first everyone just did a belly crawl across the slide.

 Well, almost everyone.
Then I explained the proper way to slip and slide.  No personal examples were executed.

 Some weren't listening obviously.
 She's cute enough she can get away with anything.
 After awhile we turned up the water and just ran through the "sprinkler."

 On your mark, get set......
 UMMMM....GO!!!!  Gooooo!!!!!!  Go???
I wonder what she thinks she's gonna do with that? 
This is what happens when you sit by the water and your very mean mommy turns the water towards your face.  There is a mad scramble for safety.