Friday, April 22, 2016

Gianna's Golden Birthday!

On April 5th Gianna turned five years old.
 She was a loved girl - including a phone call from her daddy at lunchtime.
 A special cupcake and chocolate date with Mom at our favorite pastry place.
 A pizza party in the basement so we could watch Shawn the Sheep.
 Then, finally, opening the presents!

 Best. birthday. ever.

Princess Sisters

A special thank you to their friend, Naomi, for thinking to give them these adorable tiaras.

A Kipping We Will Go

It took us almost a full week to get around to kipping our eggs.  

Youngest two first...

 Winner - Kiara

 Winner - still Kiara

 Winner - Brech
Probably my favorite picture of Brech!!!!

 Winner - Rex
 Winner - Rex

 Winner - Rex again

 Winner - Blase
 Winner - Mom

 oh man - Grand Prize Winner - Darren
 His grand prize was making pickled eggs.
 We finished kipping the rest of the eggs so Darren could make his nasty pickled eggs. 
(No, I am not a fan of pickled eggs.)

Kiara was quite determined to win this battle.

Easter 2016

 The gifts for the boys.
 Random hiding places - Brigid's purple bucket.
 Gianna needed a boost.
 Blase was not amused.
 Neither was Stephen.

 Gianna's basket goodies...
 plus all the candy.
Kiara's basket treasures 
 Brigid's basket goodies
 Trying out her bandanna. 

Wait, wait - Mom needs a nice picture!!! 
 Well, nice is all relative - at least they are all in the picture.


I was so sick on Easter.  Gianna and the twins had been sick the week before and were still a bit under the weather.  I caught it just in time for the holiday.  I ended up sleeping most of the day, half of Monday, and all of Tuesday.  I haven't been that sick since the last time I was that sick.  Snicker.  The kids had a wonderful Easter though half of us stayed home from church. It was a blessed week. 
We finally took a "all dressed up for the Easter season" picture on Divine Mercy Sunday.  Gosh, I just love those kids!!

Even if it takes forever to get a picture taken:
So ladylike, Kiara!