Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Brigid's First Loose Tooth

Brigid lost her first tooth on Jan. 20th.  She was SO excited!! 
I had to take a picture of her new tooth coming in.  She couldn't believe it was so big.

Cormac's 15th Birthday

 Cormac turned 15 in December.  He's taller than Darren and still growing!

I see some darts in his future! 

 I think they are planning some coyote hunting soon.
 Traffic Jam jam - the best gift for Cormac and his sense of humor.

What a lucky kid!

Cormac sure has been an asset to our family lately!  He has been a diligent worker in school.  We are so proud of him and all he has accomplished!

Christmas 2019

Christmas was a wonderful day for us.  We had a perfect Midnight Mass, overnight company, and a bunch of family over Christmas Day for lunch.  The kids were excited for their presents.  

socks haha 

Training Blase

I had the pleasure of training Blase to set up the Comrex for our live broadcasts.  He will fill in for me if ever I need someone to set up and tear down for a broadcast.  This is a great chance for Blase to learn a little bit about a new area of electronics and radio.

My Birthday

All I wanted for my birthday was to have my nieces and nephews come over and help decorate the Christmas tree with my kids.  Since my birthday is a week before Christmas we try to decorate it on my birthday every year.  It is a fun tradition I'm happy to keep doing.

What a great group of workers!  We celebrated afterwards with pizza and pop.  So many fun memories I'm treasuring!