Monday, October 26, 2020

Rex's 14th Birthday

June always brings Rex's birthday!  He was a happy guy!

Happy 14th birthday, Rex!


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Chickens and More Chickens and Some Bobwhites

This spring we bought some new chickens to add to our flock.  They are so pretty.  The twins, Gianna, and Brech picked them out.

We also raised more meat birds.  When all birds were butchered we ended up with 140 birds in the freezer.

Darren also invested in some quail for hunting.  They are much bigger now, but still small compared to our other birds.

These birds are from our original flock or last year's chicks.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Kitchen Flooring

Brech was the main helper for the kitchen flooring back in June.  The kitchen was coming together at this point!  I can see we were already doing the dishes in the sink.  What a beautiful sight after during dishes in the laundry room.


June 19th Storm


Corpus Christi Procession 2020

We helped with the Corpus Christi procession again this year.  We are old pros now.  It was windy and a vase paid the price, so maybe not old pros after all!