Bike riding
Bike riding
Pondered a question or two..."I don't know."
Kite flying
Buddy time
Wagon rides
"I still don't know."
Sandbox fun
Butterfly chasing
Tree climbing
"Anything you can do, I can do better."
Blog reading (picture taken by Stephen)
Walking with Mom
We had lots of fun and burned lots of energy. We heard an owl, saw 2 eagles flying overhead and marvelled at the moon. It was a beautiful afternoon. From the sound of the kids running and screaming - we didn't burn enough energy!!! Time to settle in for a beautiful night full of prayers, hugs and kisses, sweet good nights and "God bless you" on the forehead. Its a beautiful life...
We had lots of fun and burned lots of energy. We heard an owl, saw 2 eagles flying overhead and marvelled at the moon. It was a beautiful afternoon. From the sound of the kids running and screaming - we didn't burn enough energy!!! Time to settle in for a beautiful night full of prayers, hugs and kisses, sweet good nights and "God bless you" on the forehead. Its a beautiful life...