Just when you think we couldn't be blessed anymore in one week - Stephen received his First Holy Communion the day after Gianna's baptism. He was super excited. He choose Pope St. Pius X as his First Communion patron saint.

We forgot to remind him how to receive communion, so he a crash course just before he went up. Here he is all ready to go!
Stephen with Our Lord in his heart, mind, body and soul.

Stephen with Father and the altar servers.

Yet another family picture...too special! We truly were blessed last week.

Stephen with his Grandpa Roch Stephen Bestgen

That afternoon we had another party, this time for Stephen. We had more friends come over to visit. Stephen also received many gifts. He has very kind and thoughtful friends and family. Here is a picture of him and his new rosary from our friends, the Rivards.

The wonderful Fameree family gave him this beautiful statue. He was quite pleased with it. We still need to locate a safe place for it. I'm not sure there is a safe place in his room so it may become part of the family collection for now.

He was VERY impressed with this special box from his Bestgen grandparents and aunts and uncles. He said it was even better than Blase's he received at his First Holy Communion.

We had a lovely cake - white for purity, red for the Precious Blood.
1 comment:
looks like a very wonderful day! I can't believe little Stephen is this big already!
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