Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Birthday WHO?

Whose birthday is it??
They got a skin brush.... 
and chocolate 
 and socks.
Could it be the Grinch??  Is it the Grinch's birthday?? 
 If it was, he got a cupcake pan....
 and a new pair of shoes. was ME!  It was my birthday!  Oh, oh new books!!  Yippee!
 I also received a camera.  A water-proof, shock-proof, dust-proof, freeze-proof camera.  Darren said it was almost boy proof!!  Its my favorite color (matches my i-Pod) and just about perfect for me.  The only thing missing was a SD card so I can take more than 28 pictures at a time.
 Here is my photographer and his assistant.
 There are the cupcakes.
 Oh, yah and me too (thanks Blase)!
 This is my expression after Stephen blew out half my candles while I was taking a breathe to blow.
 This is said boy laughing and laughing and laughing.
 Take two!
Hope my wish comes true!!!

I'm 34 years old.  I feel old and young.  I am old and young.

Thanks Mom for going through labor and delivery 34 years ago.  Thanks Dad and Mom for 34 years of love, support, and butt-chewings.  Thanks to everyone else for helping mold me into the fine, upstanding (cough, cough, roll the eyes) woman I am.

Thank you to everyone for the gifts and phone calls, cards and emails.  Its always nice to feel special for a day.  

1 comment:

Amber Dawn said...

I would recognize those hands anywhere! Happy Birthday friend! (Wish we could have had a sleepover and played Barbies half the night!)