Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Dart Games

A great afternoon starts with....
 brand new packs of darts.

 Love Brech's face in this picture!

 Blase's viewpoint.

I just want to pinch her cheeks!! 
 Brigid had some fun chewing on the gun.
 Kiara did too, though she tried to figure out how to make it work.
 After awhile I set up empty totes and extra car seats so they could have forts.
 Team Swamp Fox
 His excitement was contagious.  I couldn't help but be happy after watching him empty his dart gun on anyone in the way.

 Swamp Fox - self-imposed nickname

Swamp Fox cornered 
 Defeated....or was he??
The Dart Games ended with orange Push-ems for everyone.

What a great afternoon!

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