Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blase's 14th Birthday

I think I will say this every year from now on - I am old.  I have a fourteen year old.
I repeat - I am old.

Blase celebrated his fourteen birthday on the 21st.  It was a normal day, by our normal standards.  We quickly opened presents when his dad got home, consumed his favorite meal (Chicken Parmesan), and then Blase and I left.  His one request was to attend his friend Isaiah's softball games that night.  Simple request.  Sure, why not?  The season is almost over, so it was a "now or never" situation anyway.  He also got to go to Dairy Queen with the team after that. 
 A pen that has a light projector of Yoda you can shine on anything, including your mother's face.
(from Gianna)
 Candy and a Minecraft mystery box from Cormac.
 It was a skeleton horse.
Legos from Brech. 
 The Hobbit movie from Stephen.
 Nerds and Lego mini-figure mystery bag from Rex.
 Cereal from Brigid.  He shared with the whole family.
 Alarm clock from Kiara.
 Nerd paper (as his dad called it) from his mom and dad.
 Water bag for camp from Mom and Dad.
 An oversized hunting vest from Dad.  He may get a smaller one.
The whole collection of presents.  There were other things like a laundry bag, water shoes, white tee shirt, and other things for camp from Darren and I.  He also got a few cards in the mail with cash in them.  Lucky, lucky boy.
 His cupcake overloaded with candles. 
He was impressed, though not the most I have put on a cupcake before.

 Fire hazard
Happy birthday, Sweet Pea. We love you very much.  You are growing into a fine young man and make us proud.  God bless you and protect you.

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