A Blog Post Thirty-Seven Years in the Making

This is my grandma.
She was born not so many years ago today, December 20.
A Blog Post Thirty-Seven Years in the Making

This is my grandma.
She was born not so many years ago today, December 20.
Wasn't she a cute girl?
This is her with her sister, Gladys, who also has a birthday today.
She is the youngest child in her family.
What an amazing family they are, too.
All of the siblings are still alive and still get together once a month.
She was a cheerleader in high school until she...
married my grandpa.
She was a beautiful bride.
What a beautiful lady inside and out!!
Then, 37 years and two days ago, she became a grandma at 37 years old.
Hard to believe Grandma was my age when I was born.
I do not feel old enough to be a grandma.
Wasn't she a beautiful first-time grandma?
This was me with her parents.
Thanks, Grandma, for teaching how to have fun.
Thanks for teaching me how to cook, bake, and can.
Grandma was my "internet reference for all questions kitchen related" before I got the internet and still is my "go-to" for all those questions.
Grandma letting me ride with her during the Faith Stock Show Parade.
Hanging out at the Stock Show.
Grandma made the best cakes!
She bought me the best Christmas presents.
Barbies were my toy of choice and she never disappointed me.
Grandma has been an active part of my life from my birth through my school years.
She taught me to sew during my 9th grade year. I would spend one week a month out at their place and she would teach me home ec. Those were the best weeks of my high school years.
Barbies were my toy of choice and she never disappointed me.
Grandma has been an active part of my life from my birth through my school years.
She taught me to sew during my 9th grade year. I would spend one week a month out at their place and she would teach me home ec. Those were the best weeks of my high school years.
Grandma was also there for me during my wedding.
They even came into town the night before the wedding for the rehearsal. It was wonderful to have both her and Grandpa there.
She has also been a super wonderful great-grandma to my kids.
She flew out to Peoria, IL when I was VERY pregnant with Blase to stay with me for a few days while Darren was gone to a wedding in South Dakota. We went rummage saling and bought a bunch of girl clothes I couldn't use forever. ha ha
She flew out to Peoria, IL when I was VERY pregnant with Blase to stay with me for a few days while Darren was gone to a wedding in South Dakota. We went rummage saling and bought a bunch of girl clothes I couldn't use forever. ha ha
Simons generation picture with Cormac.
Grandma flew out to Joliet, IL when I was expecting Rex. We couldn't find anyone to stay with the kids when we were going to deliver Rex, so Grandma volunteered to come out. It was so special to have her stay with the boys.
She still continues to be a wonderful grandma to all of us!!!
to a WHOLE bunch....
and a whole bunch more that aren't pictured above!
and a whole bunch more that aren't pictured above!
She supports Grandpa and plays an active role in the ranching operation.
Some of my most favorite memories are helping her with the lambing.
She's a faithful Christian and a great example to her neighbors, friends, and family.
We are all blessed to have her and Grandpa in our lives.
Happy birthday, Grandma.
I love you.
Thanks for everything.
By the way, what's your jerky recipe?
Happy birthday, Grandma.
I love you.
Thanks for everything.
By the way, what's your jerky recipe?
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