Monday, June 6, 2016

Going Away Party and Moving Blessingway

 On May 1st Monsignor Goering throw us a going away potluck at the cathedral.  It was a wonderful, small gathering.  Mostly my friends from the CCM group and the regulars at the Latin Mass.  It was so meaningful to have them all take a little time out of their day to spend it with us.  We are so blessed with wonderful friends and a wonderful church family here in Fargo.

These are a LOT of the kids' friends here in Fargo.
They are a great group of kids.
 Eli couldn't stay for the potluck, but we needed a picture with him as well.
 After the potluck my friends had a moving blessingway for me.
 They picked out quotes and prayer intentions, wrote sweet messages for me, and helped create a rosary and charm bracelet.

Aren't they beautiful?!

The blessingway was just what I needed. I left feeling like I was going to be supported in my struggles to pack, move, and adjust to a new life.  We cried and cried though.  Saying goodbye is not easy.  To think - I've seen most of them every week since then, but it was the first time we actually, as a group, had to acknowledge I was leaving. 

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