Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Whitefish Point Lighthouse and Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

On Sept. 29th we drove up the Whitefish Point to tour the Whitefish Point Light Station and Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum.  The kids enjoyed this stop on our journey for many reasons. 

The song by Gordon Lightfoot about the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald always makes me cry.  Have you heard the song lately?  Listen and remember the twenty-nine lives lost on November 10, 1975.  Remember the wives and the children left behind.

One of the amazing things the boys got to do during our vacation was to climb to the top of the lighthouse.  Not all the lighthouses we visited allowed us to do this.  It was about making once in a lifetime memories.  Wow, did we ever!! 

 The ship above was on the monitor Blase and Stephen were watching earlier.
It was windy that day.  You can get an idea in the video belong.  Its a bit loud and shaky since the wind was whipping.  Can you imagine how intense it would have been at night in an actual storm?  Lake Superior is incredible!!


Darren - tower
Karen - model ships, Edmund Fitzgerald bell
Blase - stories and displays of ships
Stephen - awesome benches (made from shipwrecked ships), large rudder, lighthouse
Cormac - model ships
Rex - model ships
Brech - tower and movie about Edmund Fitzgerald
Gianna - light station house
Brigid - boats, the BIG boats
Kiara - the big boats

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