Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter eggs

Today is traditionally the day my family would decorate Easter eggs. I have kept that tradition alive with my boys. Sometimes I wonder exactly why when fingers "accidentally" get colored and eggs get dropped left and right. Today was actually an uneventful, pleasant experience. In fact, the only broken egg was my fault. In my was only a pink one and we all know how much I "love" pink. One cute incident was Rex putting his finger in the yellow dye. He licked off his finger then I told him it would make him sick. He dropped to the floor and began some over reactive dying act and just about licked the floor trying to get the yellow dye water out of his mouth. Then he hopped up like nothing was wrong. Always an adventure here.
Here the boys are getting ready to color eggs.
We tried a new type of coloring this year on some of the eggs. Here the boys are making those eggs. Stephen was quite proud of his goofy face for the camera. Gotta love him.
Here are two of the three dozen eggs we created. The blackish one on the side is Darren's famous "dump all the dye colors together, let egg sit in water/dye for long time, then ohh and ahhh at the awesome color" egg. I wrote HA HA on it this year.
Close up of Darren's egg. We are easy to entertain around here.

1 comment:

Kateri said...

The "Dump all the dye together" egg is awesome. With the speckled green and blue it almost looks like an exotic natural egg. I miss coloring easter eggs. It is something that just isn't very fun doing it by yourself. (My husband totally does not get into that sort of thing--he'd rather be out brushhogging. --sigh--