Friday, August 26, 2011

Beauty All Around

This morning I have looked past the routine and seen the beauty in my family.

I saw:

a dad who takes a few extra minutes to say goodbye to his kids. Who walks back into the house to kiss his wife goodbye. Who waves goodbye every morning to those lined up at the window. Who will come back into the house to hug and kiss the kid(s) who missed saying goodbye the first time. Beautiful!

a young boy hugging his little sister. He kisses her cheek, holds her hand, speaks sweet morning greetings, and wipes up the drool. Beautiful!

a host of brothers playing nice together. Prized Lego ships destroyed so the brothers can use the parts. Designs built, improved, and agreed on by all with no fights. A rare moment indeed! Beautiful!

a baby girl pleased to nurse patiently while her mommy has a wonderful talk with a special aunt. She never fussed and even fell asleep. Beautiful!

children kneeling for morning prayers. Everyone took their turns leading and giving great examples for the others. Beautiful!

I found so much beauty that it warms my heart. Have you seen the beauty in your life today? Have noticed the gifts of this moment?? Look past the piles, ignore the world, and put aside your job for a second - actually LOOK, SEE, HEAR, ENJOY the gifts from God. Thank Him. Love Him.

Monday, August 22, 2011

U.P. State Fair

On Sunday we attended the U.P. State Fair, Michigan's only state fair by the way. We had a great time. It was a long day, but beautiful weather made it a pleasant outing. The kids were very well behaved. We had many comments like "Five boys, wait there's a baby girl in there too." I am glad we went.
Blase enjoyed looking at the steam engine running the saw mill. We always enjoy any exhibit along these lines. I remember when we attended an antique tractor show in Illinois we spent most of our time watching the saw mill run.
Little sister was a great baby all day. She only started to fuss towards the end. It did rain a bit, but we were inside one of the buildings at the time. She was probably fussy because the air cooled down after the rain shower. I think her favorite highlight of the day was nursing by the milk barn. I thought it was appropriate.
Next to the saw mill was an exhibit with an old firewood chopper. Next to that was a wood carver carving small hummingbirds. That was one of Stephen's favorite places to visit.
Darren told the boys how his grandpa had one of these John Deere models. Of course they were super excited about that. We decided we needed to take a picture for Grandpa Gebes to see. With this many kids its hard to see the John Deere, but its back there somewhere - I promise!
Cormac and Rex were happy to see an old tractor that looked like Travis from the Thomas the Tank Engine stories. They had to pose near the wheel so you could see how tall it was. On the other side of the aisle were some tractors from the late 1930's. Blase asked if my dad ever got to drive tractors like that when he was a kid. I just wonder how old he thinks Grandpa Bestgen is? (I love you Dad! heehee) I did say that if he did operate any tractors like that they were probably old when drove them.
Old McGebes had a farm - E, I, E, I, O. And on that farm he had a PIG - E, I, E, I, O...with a Cormac Michael here and a Cormac Michael there - E, I, E, I, O.

Old McGebes had a farm - E, I, E, I, O. And on that farm he had a COW - E, I, E, I, O...with a Stephen George here and a Stephen George there - E, I, E, I, O.

Old McGebes had a farm - E, I, E, I, O. And on that farm he had a SHEEP - E, I, E, I, O...with a Rex Howard here and a Rex Howard there - E, I, E, I, O.
Cormac, Stephen, Rex and Brech with a boost from Dad.

We had a great time watching the logging/chain saw show. It was impressive when one of the men climbed to the top of a pole and cut off top of the pole. I was freaking out. I'm sitting safe and sound on the ground and I'm about to pass out for fear of heights just watching him climb. He does it for a living so he was VERY good at it. We also had a good laugh at them on the log in the water. I recorded one of the contests. It was the best out of three. They tied.

Blase, Stephen, Cormac, and Rex each got to target practice with paintballs and have a ride on a merry-g0-round. We had promised them two games or rides that we approved of. While they were having their fun, Gianna, Brech and I watched some of the animals being loaded up to head home. There were just enough tickets left for Brech to have one ride on the merry-go-round too.
Darren let me go with Brech. This is a good picture of Brech and a great picture of me TRYING not to puke on the ride. Who would have thought going around in circles would be so hazardous to a mother's health?!
We also stopped by the DNR exhibit to see the fire lookout tower. There are a few old fire fighting equipment on display inside the building. You can't go inside, but there are a few windows to look into.
That last place we stopped was the forester's building. They have a neat hands-on exhibit that features different activities related to the forest or forest products. As you can imagine, forestry is to the U.P. as ranching is to Western South Dakota. There really isn't much else.
Among the things the boys learned about were habitats and wildlife in the forest, fire safety, what is made from wood, hauling logs, and Christmas trees grown in the U.P. area.
The boys were suppose to be chipmunks in this one and hide from a hawk. Playing chipmunks in our family is a dangerous game. We would rather play rabbits - well, maybe not them either.
We ended up being pretty much kicked out of the building when they were closing. We rushed through the last few activities. Rushing or not - SAFETY FIRST so they had to put on their gear before "cutting" the log. At each place they were suppose to take a token (maybe a wood chip or a small hammer) and then turn them in for wooden coins to spend at the "store". Each boy was given 3 coins. The 3 youngest picked fruit snacks and a small trinket. Blase and Stephen each picked a little game and a trinket.

After the last exhibit we made our way back to the van. We had missed the draft horse pulling contest, which disappointed Darren and I. Maybe next year we will be smart enough to make it over to the horse arena in time. We did get to see them walking their horses back to the trailers. They are HUGE, HUGE horses. I have never been so close to one before. They walked in step and were quite beautiful for horses (even the ugly ones had an air of beauty about them). Something to look forward to for next year's fair.

On a side note - our last kitty died Saturday morning. We are once again kitty-less. That does not mean send us every kitten you don't want. Maybe some day...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Waitin' Out a Storm

Tornado warning? Waiting IN the bathroom is just as exciting as waiting FOR the bathroom.
Waiting, waiting...
Rain, rain go away, come again another day!
Its a blurry, but hopefully it shows how hard the rain was coming down.
Nasty storm clouds!
Amazing how different a place can look 30 minutes later.

Just Another Day

Today was just another day. Today I did some laundry, fed some kids, washed some dishes, taught some school, watched a movie, hid out in the basement during a tornado warning (ok, not so much an everyday event), played with the kids, read to my 2 year old before we both took a nap, changed my share of diapers, and tended an overly wet young cat. Just another day. The only thing that stood out today (besides the tornado warning) was our family altar.
A treasured picture, a lit candle, black altar lace, and a few minute meditation on the Agony in the Garden. This morning during our morning offering I picked the Agony in the Garden as our morning decade of the rosary. I explained that sometimes God sends us trials and agonies so that we will turn to Him and ask for help. He in turn sends us graces to grow stronger and closer to heaven. We talked about how God has taken this agony, this trial and given us the graces we need to grow closer to Him. I explained how we must be careful NOT to blame God. I also touched on the fact that it is not God's fault that Mark died. Mark had a free will, just like all of us. If we blame God and turn away from Him, then we will not receive the special graces He WANTS to give us today. Ask and you shall receive. We asked.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No Address in the Stars

Dear Mark,

Where to start? I miss you. I love you. There isn’t a day go by that I don’t think of you or pray for you. Three years ago I learned a valuable lesson about life. I learned to keep those I love closer to my heart. I learned to verbally share that love before it’s too late. I learned that it is possible for the world to come crashing down and yet there is beauty and joy to be found. I learned that sometimes the best healing can come from helping others with their grief.

Three years. Three long years, yet short years all at the same time. You have missed so much.

You have missed the birth of a blue-eyed girl with the sweetest smile ever.

You missed the baptism of your first Godchild. He’s such an active 2 year old. I know you would be so proud to share your middle name with him.

You missed seeing a young boy learn to draw anything from pirate ships to castles. I am certain he would have drawn you a whole collection of pictures.

You are missed by the most tender-heart boy ever. He prays for you every day. His morning offering intention always goes something like this: for Loman, Mark, Kaylene, Shelby, Mark, mom and dad, Mark and the Mark Park. So if anyone forgets, he has them covered.

You have missed the many, many collections of a curious boy. I am waiting to pass on your collection of pennies from Grandma and Papa Bestgen. I am 100% sure it will become his favorite collection yet.

You are missing a young boy learning to serve Mass. He served for the first time at our sister’s wedding, just like you served your first Mass at my wedding.

You missed getting to know the most wonderful man in the whole world. I wish you and my dear husband would have had more time to foster a relationship. You shared many of the same hobbies. I know you could have learned so much from him.

But that isn’t all you have missed. There are many of us in this family.

You should see that oldest brother of yours. He has such love and devotion for his family. He works so hard. You would truly look up to him in every possible way.

His wife is wonderful too. She is a supportive wife, loving mother and extremely fun sister-in-law. I think there is nothing she wouldn’t do for our parents. They are blessed with these in-laws!

You wouldn’t believe how smart their oldest daughter is. She is also a great big sister.

That next one – wow are you missing some of the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes ever. She’d be sure to show you her socks, her pants, her daddy, and everything else.

Have you heard about that new Bestgen boy? He’s a keeper! I’m sure it won’t be long and he will be going to work with his daddy every single day.

You have missed your next oldest brother’s struggles. They seemed to come one right after another. He proved that us Bestgens don’t give up when hard times come. I’m still sure he’d kick your butt in card games though! We all miss you at game time. Tripoly anyone?

What do you think of that next brother and his moto-cross? What a great day when he took first on your bike. Did you know it’s still your bike? Everyone takes their turn now and again.

Then there is his wife. Never have I seen anyone love our family as much as she does. I know she would have become one of your favorite sisters. Our brother is one lucky man!

Their first daughter is learning sign language and so much more. I heard the other day that she can write her name. Can you believe how big she is already?? Such a precious treasure!

The next little daughter is something else! I think her only goal in life is to make her big sister frustrated. Isn’t that what little siblings are for? I sure remember you frustrating me a time or two (times 50). She looks so much like her mommy it’s crazy. Beautiful in every way!

Our next brother has been through so much too. He has carried the weight of losing you and his friend very well. I am so proud of him. He has his wild streak, but who doesn’t. Besides, he probably does most of what he does just to irritate our sister, but he loves her dearly and all of us almost as much.

Speaking of that sister – she is married now. You missed a beautiful, holy Mass. She is such a blessing to her family and friends. I wish you’d send her another message. She knows what I’m talking about.

How wonderful for our family to have a friend become our brother-in-law. You need never worry about him not living his vocation. He is a great husband and a loving father.

Oh, have you seen that beautiful baby girl? She was the last of the trio to be born and the only one to pick Dad’s birthday. She’s special in so many ways. I think I’m a bit partial since she is my Goddaughter.

You have missed that next brother fill your shoes. When he was needed he was there for everyone. He served for you the day after your funeral. That was just the first of many ways. I’m sure you two would find so many things to keep you out of trouble (or in trouble). He’s grown into a man you would be proud to call your brother, your friend.

Hey do you recall that tomboy little sister of yours?? She’s all grown up into a beautiful young woman. It will just be a matter of time before we will have to start beating all the guys away. She misses you. We all miss you, but she really misses you. There are times when I wish I could just reach out and hug her. I know she will be ok since you are praying for her.

Remember that scrawny kid? He stood about this short, give or take an inch. Well, he is growing like a weed. He went to camp this year. I hear he enjoyed it. I’m so glad and I’m sure you are too since you loved going to camp. Give him another year or two and he will be just as great as the rest of our brothers.

Wow, three years can really change a girl. That sister of yours is something else on the volleyball court. You wouldn’t know she is only 11. There are times I think she is 16 or older. She is so pretty. She is such a wonderful aunt too.

That littlest brother of ours is a clown. You’d probably spend most of your day laughing with or at him. He can brighten anyone’s day. He is my boys’ bestest friend. I promise I’ll tell him every story I can remember about you. That way he will feel like he has grown up knowing you. What a blessing God gave me when He placed me first. I have all these memories of all my siblings.

You would be so proud of Mom. I am. Even when it hurts she is there for others. She has this wonderful ability to listen and comfort. When she is grieving you would never know because she is helping others. She has kept this family together with her love and patience. I can’t even begin to understand the pain she must have gone through. She is always quick to point out the line from the Renewal of the Consecration to the Sacred Heart, “We have full and complete confidence in Thee.” She has full and complete confidence and she passes it on with her words and deeds.

I cry tears for Dad. Oh what you have missed. I cry tears of pain for what he has gone through. He carries his cross with such dedication. I cry tears of joy for who he has become. He is the dad I remember from my childhood. I’m not saying he was perfect then or is now, but rarely has there been a better father than our dad. Send him your prayers.

You have missed a lot there is no denying it. We have missed so much of you too. I do not dwell on the what could have beens. I know there is a purpose and a blessing in all God sends our way. Know you have not been forgotten and you are still loved very much. May God bless you (and send some of it our way)!


Your Big Sister

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Science for Lunch

Today for lunch we tried something new. We tried Science. I'm all about combining two things together, so why not Science and lunch?! Cormac and Rex are learning about apples and apple trees right now. One of the activities was to taste test different types of apples. I picked apples that we normally do not buy.
We tasted (from left to right) Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Pink Lady, Jazz, and Red Delicious varieties. We started out by examining the apples, tasting one piece and then recorded our findings.

Granny Smith - shape: round, like a ball
color: green
tastes: sweet and sour or tart
Golden Delicious - shape: oval, a bit taller
color: yellow and green
tastes: not as sweet, like apple juice
Pink Lady - shape: roundish, oval
color: pinkish, yellow and light red
tastes: sweeter, excellent
Jazz - shape: lop-sided, oval
color: red and yellow
tastes: like a pear, not as sweet
Red Delicious - shape: skinny on the bottom, round on top
color: dark red
tastes: snot as sweet, almost no taste, not very good
Stephen DOES NOT like Granny Smith apples.
Blase thinks Red Delicious apples are "Not very good."
APPLES!! The only fruit that Brech will eat. YUMMY APPLES!!

Stephen's School Year 2011-2012

Stephen's School Year 2011-2012

Religion - Baltimore Catechism Number 1 Monday thru Wednesday
Monday - read through lesson and discussion questions
Tuesday - True and False
Wednesday - Fill in the Blank Questions
Thursday - Extra activities like color pages of saints, etc.
Bible Study Monday thru Thursday
Monday - read story with Mom
Tuesday - narrate story to Mom who types it
Wednesday - copywork story
Thursday - color picture of story
Math - Teaching Textbooks Grade 4
Italic Handwriting - 1 page Mon., 1 page Tues.
Copywork - 4 lines of religious poem Wed. and Thurs.
Easy Grammer - 2-3 pages everyday M-Th
Daily Grams extra practice - one page a day
Word Study - 1 page everyday M-Th
Reading - Faith and Freedom Reader 10-15 pages a day
Geography - Map Skills one lesson every Mon. and Tues.
Africa Study with brothers Wed. and Thurs.
Science - Apologia's Zoology 1 on Mon. and Tues. with Blase
Nature study with the whole family various times.
History - Homeschool in the Woods: The Early 19th Century Wed. and Thurs. with Blase
Latin - Prima Latina two lessons a week with Blase
Literature - family reading time, Mom reads. We are currently reading Redwall.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blase's School Year 2011-2012

This week I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the poor lives of my children in regards to their school work. This is our second week. Some things are working and some are not. If you asked them they would say that all their work was not fun. Given the choice to stay here and do this hard, horrible work or go to school in town - they'd pick the hard, horrible work. I'm still not sure if that is good or bad yet. :-)

Blase's School Year 2011-2012

Religion - Baltimore Catechism Number 2 Monday thru Wednesday
Monday - read through lesson and discussion questions
Tuesday - True and False, Fill in the Blank questions
Wednesday - Read the Bible verses, Classroom project
Thursday - Extra activities like color pages of saints, etc.
Also, copying one saint quote every day.
Math - Teaching Textbooks Grade 6
Italic Handwriting - 1 page Mon., 1 page Tues.
Copywork - 2 Psalms or Proverbs every Wed. and Thurs.
Easy Grammer - 2-3 pages everyday M-Th
Daily Grams extra practice - one page a day
Word Study - 1 page everyday M-Th
Reading - Faith and Freedom Reader 10-15 pages a day
Geography - Map Skills one lesson every Mon. and Tues.
Africa Study with brothers Wed. and Thurs.
Science - Apologia's Zoology 1 on Mon. and Tues. with Stephen
Nature study with the whole family various times.
History - Homeschool in the Woods: The Early 19th Century Wed. and Thurs. with Stephen
Latin - Prima Latina two lessons a week with Stephen
Literature - family reading time, Mom reads. We are currently reading Redwall.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Switching Hats, Switching Names

Meet Brech Earl and Blase - as Blase and Brech Earl.

Today Brech came downstairs with Blase's top hat on. He said "I Blase." and handed his own hat to Blase. Then he said that Blase was Brech Earl. Such a sweetie!


We are observing a moment (short moment) of remembrance for Fred, who has joined kitty heaven this morning. Fred, short for Winifred, was stupid enough to be under the van and got ran over. There are a few sad faces, a few questions, and already requests for more kittens. It has already been mentioned that Wilma could have babies next year if we wait long enough.

I hope your Monday is happier than this Monday is for the kids.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


We caught a kitten tonight.

Barney has officially been renamed Wilma. We still haven't caught Fred yet. Since Fred can be both a girl or boy nickname I think we are safe.

Night all.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

All is Quiet

By my standards its very quiet here. I can hear the dryer (with cloth diapers and today's clothes) and the window A/C that is set to just fan. The kids are sleeping, the daddy is sleeping, the mommy is wide awake. At moments like this I am torn between staring into space waiting to sleep or getting something done. Right now I am doing neither. I wouldn't consider posting on here as accomplishing anything monumental.

Today was a normal Saturday. Darren and Cormac picked up a window for the school room this morning and took garbage to the dump. Blase worked in the garden and Stephen loaded and unloaded dirt, both as punishments for picking on brothers. I cleaned up the house and worked on planning more school work. Brech managed to eat my M&M's and drink my one Cherry Pepsi I rewarded myself with this week. Rex acted overly tired and was required to spend an hour in his room for some much needed down time. He was suppose to be sleeping, but instead was playing toys "quietly". I had to chuckle when I told him to pick up the toys so I could vacuum. He insisted that I could not vacuum as it would wake him up from his nap. HUH?? Some people's children!! (and they are mostly mine!) Gianna helped her daddy prime the stairway pieces and reload bullets. We were all busy today.
Guess who has adopted us? Those sweet kitty cats. Darren named the one on the left Fred. I named the one on the right Barney. We still haven't been able to catch them to determine if they are boys or girls. Darren insisted that Cormac and I put out some milk for them. Cormac was looking for a big, important job. I suppose you can say that we now have two kittens. I did mention to the boys that they might both be girls. Stephen was so excited because girl cats have babies and we will have more and more and more kittens.
Speaking of Stephen - here is a picture of him with an empty plate. That isn't normally a big deal, but tonight he ate an entire cheeseburger and asked for another. This is the kid that will eat chicken nuggets, but not chicken breast. He will eat tuna fish, but not fish sticks. He will eat just about anything that does not include rice or meat of any kind. Two cheeseburgers. Miracles do happen. If I don't post by next week, assume the world has ended due to a Stephen George eating meat.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just another Thursday?? Again.

Look who came to visit us last night! Two "homeless" kittens. "PLEASE, Mommy can we keep them? They don't have a home. If they are still here in the morning that means that no one loves them and we can keep them right?" Well, they are still here. As for the keeping them - all in favor say "ME ME ME" at the top of your lungs. All opposed say "I really don't think we need cats in the house or the garage." All in favor say in one voice "PLEASE!" All opposed say "If they stay outside and catch the mice then that's fine, but they are not coming in the house." All in favor scream happy, excited noises. All opposed sigh very loudly and smile very big at the excitement of children.

Two Thursdays ago - swimming and pop all over the floor. It can't get worse right??

This Thursday - swimming and localized torrential downpour followed quickly by breaking clothesline and blankets on the ground. I suppose we will have to start again tomorrow. Sigh.
Mommy needs a break. Little girl needs a buddy. Daddy to the rescue.
Little girl - pissed. Little girl wants Mom. Mom sighs. Mom sighs a lot today. So much for "Daddy's Sweetheart"!! Should have worn "Mommy's Princess".

Stay tuned for next Thursday. I'm sure it will be filled with sighs and a new twist we didn't see coming. Maybe it will involve pop and a clothesline together? Sigh.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Odds and Ends

Here are a few odds and ends pictures from the past week.
First, my pizza cutter is sad. What are the odds of cutting pizza and the cutter ending up like that? We thought it was pretty cool, even if it is sad.
I switched my flowers and butterfly display to...
a beach theme complete with sand dollar and star fish.
You might recall that Rex received a butterfly house for his birthday. We received five butterflies, but only four of them grew up. Here are a few pictures of them before we let them go. They did enjoy the watermelon, but we decided it was time to be free.
Aren't they beautiful?? We had a great time watching them. Too bad they came out of their cocoons while we were in Duluth. It was a super surprise though.
Rex tried to get one to land on his hand. He didn't have much luck as he wiggled and laughed when they "tickled" his hand.
The butterflies stuck close to home after we released them. I did manage to get one of them to walk onto my hand. That was the first butterfly I have ever had do that.
He or she was polite enough to wait until I took a couple of pictures.
Not the prettiest face if you ask me. They did end up flying away and we haven't seen them since.
Do you see what Cormac found? Stephen thought he might taste good...or maybe not.
Arr ye maties!! See what these land lobers dug? It be their own version of a skull face in that dirt pile. It's even sportin' a spooky lookin' spider web in one of dem eyes. Arrrr....

Monday, August 8, 2011


Off to Duluth! Join us on our adventure in a most northern town of Minnesota!!
We drove here and there and everywhere. We drove here and there and everywhere. And yet again, we drove here and there and everywhere. Duluth is SERIOUSLY under construction. We tried to get somewhere only to find out that the exit was closed or that we past it two exits ago. We drove to or from the rest area three times. I think the only thing we KNOW how to find 100% is the rest stop!
It was very bright out that day. None of the boys could keep their eyes open long enough for a picture. The river was very pretty from on top of the hill (at the rest stop). There was a wonderful map showing the different island names and river names that was very useful. I should have taken a picture of them.
You can just see one of the big bridges in the background. This is the best picture of maybe 10 pictures I took trying to get everyone to look at the camera. Sigh.
This bridge was SOOO cool. It is called the Aerial Lift Bridge. This is from one of the streets. It went up when the ships wanted to pass underneath. The boys got a kick out of it. Later we walked under the bridge while the traffic was driving over us. Too fun!
We stopped by the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center. The kids enjoyed seeing the exhibits especially the hands-on ones. We watched a short movie on the how they load the large freighters. Next to the movie was this display case showing how it works.
This display case was showing the different products that are or were shipped on the Great Lakes to and from the Duluth area.
Blase is telling the shipping to stop.
While Stephen is determining its direction. I'm not sure this ship is safe with Blase controlling the speed and Stephen deciding where to go!
My sweet Cormac spying on the people outside the museum.
They were watching the boats out on the lake. Stephen was looking for the lighthouse, but never found it. I have a feeling he didn't get much time with that many brothers wanting to see.
An EXTREMELY neat map of the Great Lakes. It was fun to locate Duluth and then where our house is. They spent quite a bit of time looking at it.
The boys each took turns learning about how the locks work. There was a boat to move between the locks as well as water level buttons. A nice hands-on learning experience.
And finally we got to see the bridge lift up for a cruise ship. We weren't there when any of the big freighters were suppose to come to the area. If you would like to see the arrivals and departures from that area go to this website.
I spy a bridge.
Do you think this anchor is big enough???
A much smaller, but still impressive, anchor.
PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! (It does not move, but they still gave it their best shot!)
No good sightseeing trip is complete without a break for ice cream. Chocolate ice cream is so good...
even down to the last possible drop.
He prefers strawberry.
And this one likes vanilla ALL BY HIMSELF thank you very much.
We decided to take a tour on the USS William A. Irvin. It was the flag ship of US Steel from 1938 until 1975. Here we are in the engine room. It was very impressive because it has brass handrails throughout the engine room. You can see one by Darren's arm. This is because this ship was built not only to haul materials, but also to haul people. The company would give important clients and officials the full experience by allowing them to take a round trip during the summer months. A round trip was usually 7 days. The visitors were given tours of the boat, so the brass handrails were there to impress them.
This picture was taken in the crew's kitchen. There were 30some crew members that were working on the ship at one time. There was a separate kitchen for the guest quarters. I liked the way the stove had guards so food wouldn't fall off in bad weather. There was a dining room and also some fairly nice crew quarters. I expected worse conditions. I guess they ate very well too. The tour guide said that food was considered part of the pay, so the more you ate the more you were getting paid.Here is everyone (but me of course) posing near the hatch crane (with the name on it) and one of the eighteen hatches. The William A. Irvin hauled taconite or raw iron ore most of the time. It could carry about 14,000 tons. If you want to know more about the William A. Irvin you can visit this webpage.They are walking toward the guest quarters, captain's rooms and guest kitchen. We climbed up or down 18 flights of stairs. Some of them were QUITE steep and a bit hard to conquer with a baby in my arms. Usually I went first with either Gianna or Brech, then all the boys one at a time, followed by Darren and which ever youngest he had. We made quite a parade. We tried to be the last ones down or up as we took SOO long. The guest kitchen and dining room were located in the white room with the round window you can see next to the lady's shoulder. It was where the second cargo hatch would have gone. The rooms where one hatch away under the pilot house.
This is a picture of the guest dining room and kitchen off to the side. There was lovely wood panelling throughout the room and examples of place settings. The tour guide said that the captain was not allowed in the guest quarters or dining room unless invited by the guests and the other crew members were never allowed in there (except housekeeping of course). She said that one of the tour guides used to work on the William A. Irvin for many years. He had not been in the guest quarters or dining room until becoming a tour guide. I guess they were very serious about that rule!
They had electric fireplaces in the guest quarters. There were two floors of rooms with two rooms on each side. Each room slept two guests and had its own bathroom. The rooms on the first floor were not as nice as the rooms on the second floor. The third floor was for the pilot house. The pictures I took are of the first floor with the not as nice rooms.
The rooms were very spacious and had chairs for sitting down. It also had built in dressers. One of the rooms on the second level had a pink mirror so that if someone was feeling sea sick they could look in the mirror and feel better. The captain's rooms were located next to a guest lounge. There was a button in the lounge that they pushed that alerted a kitchen worker to bring ice up. The view was incredible from the lounge.
The top floor was the pilot house. Stephen is at the controls again. Do you think he is a typical boy who is attracted to anything that moves?? Buttons?? The usual.We are waiting for our chance to go down in the cargo hold. They were setting up for a haunted house tour in October, but you still got the idea of how big it was. And that concludes our tour of Duluth.
On our way out of town we saw some of the ports for unloading and loading materials.
Once we were in Wisconsin and away from the industrial filth, we stopped to put our feet in that side of Lake Superior. The boys had a great time. Its amazing how something so simple as putting your feet in water is one of the best things about a trip. They were sad to leave so soon and wanted to play.
Is this like Duck, Duck, Goose? Only instead it would be Butt, Butt, Butt, Butt, Belly, Butt.
Gianna stayed in the van and had a quick snack. This is what we saw.
Oh what can it be?? Can we take home this rock? NO. Can we take home this rock? NO. Can we take home...NO NO. Don't ask again!

I wanted to know - how were we going to get everyone from point A to point B (being the van) and not create a major mess?
Dad to the rescue! He washed off their feet, hoisted them on his shoulder and away they went. You can't tell it, but Blase is getting a fake spanking. They were told to NOT play in the sand with their hands (less mess right) but you can just see the start of a dam in the bottom corner of the picture...that would be Blase and Rex's. So they were getting fake spankings all the way back to the van. It was a fun time, even the fake spankings caused laughter.

We drove and drove and finally reached home about 11:30 that night. What a CRAZY long Monday. Darren went right back to work on Tuesday and we slept in. Poor Darren.