Today for lunch we tried something new. We tried Science. I'm all about combining two things together, so why not Science and lunch?! Cormac and Rex are learning about apples and apple trees right now. One of the activities was to taste test different types of apples. I picked apples that we normally do not buy.
Granny Smith - shape: round, like a ball
color: green
tastes: sweet and sour or tart
Golden Delicious - shape: oval, a bit taller
color: yellow and green
tastes: not as sweet, like apple juice
Pink Lady - shape: roundish, oval
color: pinkish, yellow and light red
tastes: sweeter, excellent
Jazz - shape: lop-sided, oval
color: red and yellow
tastes: like a pear, not as sweet
Red Delicious - shape: skinny on the bottom, round on top
color: dark red
tastes: snot as sweet, almost no taste, not very good
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