I bet you thought I would never post again?! Its been one of those times in life where life got in the way of everything else. We have had a great couple of weeks. If you recall - we were preparing for a couple of parties. Since then its been busy, busy, busy!

Busy or not, there is always time for school. Darren did a simple science experiment with the kids. I think its one of the first times he's done an experiment with them. They were super excited and had a million questions for him. I'm so glad he knows the technical details as I would have just said "It does this, just be happy we tried!" If you look at Blase you will notice one of his birthday presents. He wanted a top hat for his birthday and he received one from our friends, the Ostermanns. When you have a homeschooling mother you have to word things differently. When Blase asked for his top hat he was commenting on how he needed one for his magic show, but don't worry Mom because it can be used to play Abraham Lincoln if we wanted to. He's a smart one huh??

Back to the science experiment - Blase was having a great time watching. I'm sure Darren had something funny to say about the balloon.

This is my 3rd attempt at getting all of Darren's face into the picture. No matter which direction I tried, he would always conveniently hide behind the balloon.

School in the summer can be SOO fun!

Waiting for the next blog post can be so frustrating. Its almost as long as waiting for a chance at the bathroom at our house!!
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