I started sewing quilts/blankets back in 2004. It was mostly to keep myself busy. I only had two kids then and I had so much more free time. Here are the blankets that I remembered to take pictures of before I gave them away.
Kaylene's blanket with a little pillow and pillowcase.
Loman's baby blanket. I cheated on this one and just put a backing on it and quilted along the pattern. I didn't put much effort into this one.
Andrew's blanket with matching curtains and a pillowcase. He is 14 years old and has requested I make him another blanket that is longer and actually fits him.
Juliana's blanket with matching curtains and a pillowcase.

Luke's graduation quilt. I made a to scale version of the sod farm at that point. There are different fabrics for different types of sod and at the different growth stages. The only thing missing was the buildings. I am not quite that good.

My favorite blanket even though its pink. I think it turned out very well. Its a Strawberry Shortcake themed one for a dear friend's baby. That little girl is now a big girl in Kindergarten. My, how time has flown!
another baby blanket
An insect themed blanket.
Another one of my favorite blankets. I must like the way pink looks for others?
John's graduation blanket with pictures of him growing up. I also used material from an old sod farm shirt, one of his baby outfits, a square from a quilt his great-grandma made, a shirt our mother wore when she was pregnant with him, and a red shirt that he wrecked his motorcycle on. I made this quilt in the form of a crazy quilt. I'm not sure if it looks as good as the memories it contains. Either way he enjoyed it and that's all that matters.

Mauri's graduation quilt was made from her friends sending me quilt blocks with their signatures. I also included some treasured pictures and embroidered flowers based on the Catholic Girl's Guide by Fr. Lovasik.
This is the most recent quilt I made. If you recall, I gave this one to Rex for Christmas 2 years ago. I just LOVE Dr. Seuss. I wish I had made it a bit bigger, but I only had so much material to work with. Maybe someday I will add onto his quilt and make it a size larger.
One of these times I will post some pictures of cross stitch projects I have completed. I know I do not have pictures of all of them, but the ones I do have I will share.
1 comment:
That dear friend's baby is a big girl now but she still loves her Strawberry Shortcake quilt. She shares it with her little sister now. In fact, just the other day they had it out - it's the perfect size for a queen's cape for a 3 year old. Thanks!
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