Monday, January 9, 2012

A Sparkling Lesson

Two rings. One gold. One shiny and sparkly.

Who would have thought that my rings could be a visual aid in a lesson of spiritual growth? I love it when the Holy Ghost inspires such simple explanations with every day objects. Lately my boys have been having the "Why do we have to pray?", "It doesn't matter anyway,", "I'm tired,", and a million other excuses problem during prayer time. I'm fed up. A few years back we did math during prayer time and drew up a pie graph showing how much time we dedicate to prayer each day. As a family we pray 1 single hour a day. One hour isn't much. The boys know the routine - 1 hour for God, 23 hours for us. We give 1 hour, He gives us 24. Blah, blah, yada, yada. They have heard that speech until obviously it no longer inspires. Time for a new speech. And it hits me...its like its been staring at me the whole time I'm holding my head in hands.

Rings. One gold. One shiny and sparkly.

Boys, which of Mommy's rings looks like its worth the most money?

The sparkly one, Mom.

Which one looks like nicer?

The silver, sparkly one, Mom.

Which one is your favorite?

The silver, sparkly one with pretty diamonds, Mom.

You are wrong. Its not worth more. Its not nicer. Its not my favorite either.

(Blank stares like I've lost my mind.)

You see this silver, sparkly one? Its fake. Its not real silver. They are not real diamonds. They just look like it. I just got it a few months ago. You see this gold one? Its real gold. Its special. I have wore it every day for over 11 years. Its been through good times and bad times. It doesn't look as pretty as the other one, but it means a whole lot more.

This silver, sparkly one is like the prayers you have been giving to God lately. They may look good to you, but in reality they're fake. You aren't giving God your best, you are giving Him your worst. You complain throughout prayers. You don't kneel nicely. You don't think about God, but about your toys or your sore throat. Do you know what happens to little boys who only give God their worst prayers? They grow up to be men who don't pray at all. What happens to men who don't pray? They have a hard time getting to heaven. They think they have built up a wonderful treasure in heaven with their few prayers here and there, but they haven't. They gave God fool's gold and fake diamonds. They gave God their worst or nothing at all.

This gold ring is like your very best prayers. This ring is always on Mommy's finger because it belongs there. Its there when Mommy's sad and when she's happy. Its there when I'm sleeping or when I'm working. Its there all the time to remind Mommy of many wonderful things. Your very best prayers should be there all the time. They should be there when you are happy and sad, sleeping and working. This is real gold. This is a treasure. If you give God your very best prayers when you are a little boy then you will give Him your very best when you are a man. When God opens your heavenly treasure box He will find real gold and real treasures.

Boys, please give God your best hour of the day. Please show Him that you want to give real gold, not fool's gold.

Mom, can we finish now so we can eat breakfast.

Sigh....two rings. One gold. One shiny and sparkly. Five boys and one girl who need their breakfast. I smile because the gold one reminds me that little boys are not molded in one day. It takes a lifetime of being happy and sad, sleeping and working to get a family to heaven.

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