Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mark Park Fun

We've been in South Dakota for a week now.  We are having a BLAST playing and making memories.
 This goofy bird was at the Mark Park -but we can't figure out what it is.
 Here's a close up.
 PILE UP in Aisle One
 Blase was checking out the swimming dam.
 Boating with Aunt Mauri and Uncle Loman.
 Pretending to be animals at the park one day.
 Barking like dogs...
 acting like monkeys...
 (too sweet!)
 running like cheetahs....
slithering like snakes...
crawling like turtles... 
 (tucked into their shells because its "raining")
 and sneaking like rats.
 Following the leader, the leader, the leader...we're following the leader where EVER he may go! (even walking backwards!)
 Fancy pants Stephen
Bear Butte after a storm....beautiful!

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