Saturday, December 31, 2016

Cormac's 12th Birthday

Cormac turned 12 on December 28th.  I think his best gift was electricity, but he might disagree.  I haven't seen a kid this excited for a birthday and for presents ever!  He had some of the best faces when he was opening his presents.  I'm sure this is the longest birthday post yet - but he is worth it.  

Cormac is a handful, but just as helpful as can be.

Cormac is a trickster, but just as caring as can be.

Cormac continues to be our most resourceful kid.

We love him to the moon and back.  
Or maybe the top of the snowbank and back. 

 My mostest favoritest everest picture of Cormac!

 Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma Bestgen and Loman

 Thanks, Uncle Peter, Aunt Mauri, and girls!
 That face!!

 That face, again!

 He had to be reminded he had cards left to open.  He likes that book.
 Thanks, Uncle Dirk, Aunt Twyla, Shelby, Taylor, and Tory!
 Counting his money from Grandpa and Grandma Gebes

And thanks to Aunt Courtney for the "Day of Fun" certificate.


 Don't look now.....
but you have CAMO cake!!!

Happy Birthday, Cormac Michael!!

Christmas Day 2016 and after - Snow

Christmas Day - the storm rolls in

We lost power around 8 PM Christmas night.  We were the lucky ones because most lost power a couple of hours earlier in the day.  We were able to make supper and eat with the power on.  We didn't quite get through the dishes though.  That night it was still fairly warm in the house so we went to bed and dreamed of candy and warm blankets.

December 26th - the storm gets ugly
I want to point out the difference in the tree in the picture above verses how it was in the first picture at the top of this post.

 When we woke up the next morning it was a crisp 55 degrees in the house.  Still no power - so we attempted to heat the house with Darren's heaters he uses for ice fishing.  They worked well enough.  The generator just wouldn't stay running for Darren so it looked as though we were not getting any help in the heating department from it. My brother, Paul, who lives in Texas called to point out that it was warmer outside in Texas than it was in my house.  That is the point where I told him to be quiet not so nicely.  We had a good laugh about it though.

 I attempted to see what the backyard to the north looked like.  Umm, guess we won't look out that window for an idea of the conditions.  It seems pretty clear to me.
 Blase and Stephen having fun.
No, we didn't make them shovel it out of the way by hand.
Yes, I thought about it.
 Them behind the snowdrift on flat ground.

 This is a beautiful sight and proof that God loves us.

Darren has tinkered on this blasted generator off and on all week.  It would purr just fine and even run some power tools and a set of lights - for all of two minutes.  It would just die.  Darren would start it again and the process repeated itself.  We really thought we were SOL at this point.  Then Darren tried one more time and it worked.  Nothing really changed - it just worked.  God loves us.
We warmed the house back up and went to bed.  This time we dreamed of the hum of a generator we know we'd hear in the morning.  It's the little things that are the sweetest sounds in the world...
newborn babies
precious squeaks of baby animals
"I love you" whispered sweetly
the hum of a generator on a cold, December night

December 27th - time to dig ourselves out

 There was a line at the liquor store.
Those were some thirsty calves!

 Though we had a generator we couldn't run the dryer.  All clothes washed (which was like two loads) were hung on chairs or laid out on the table.  Who else had to clear their table of underwear before breakfast??  Raise your hand.  Don't be afraid.  Am I the only one??  Help a girl out here!!!
 They were so tickled to see a bale they didn't wait for Darren to get into the pasture!

 One more night of no electricity.
So what do we do?
We play "Twist" as Gianna calls it.

 OH yah, and we watch Shawn the Sheep and dry our underwear on the table, again.
About 10 PM the electricity came on again.
50 hours - not bad
We lived.
Oh and we learned that we don't need a microwave or Kindle or TV to survive.
Days later we are sure we need a microwave, a Kindle, and a TV to survive.
Might be time for another blackout.  This time a self-induced one.