Wednesday, December 14, 2016

When in Doubt I Remember

If ever I have a bad day and think I'm failing at everything I'm going to remember these things:

 First thing - Brigid puts the strangest things up her nose and I helped her get it out.
That is a rock.  It was so far up there I almost couldn't reach it.
Why couldn't she be like the other kids and put raisins or cooked macaroni or even a piece of cereal up her nose?  Why a hard and inconveniently sized rock?
 The next thing I'll remember is that I can back up a trailer on the first attempt - and do a pretty great job at it.
Twice in the same day, in fact!  This particular one I actually backed up in the dark with just a porch light on.  Even straighter than the first attempt.  To be honest, I did have to try this one twice.  Not because I wasn't straight, but because I had to pull ahead to see the kids.  I thought they had moved the bikes out of the way.  They hadn't.  Then I wanted to make sure I could see them all (in the dark mind you) so I pulled ahead to wait for them to move.  

Sometimes awesome days make all the difference in your opinion of yourself.

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