Saturday, September 30, 2017

St. Joseph's Church, Lake Linden, MI

After a quick lunch the boys, Gianna, and Darren went back up to Keweenaw Peninsula on the 23rd.  There were some things they wanted to see and I wanted the twins to nap so it was a win-win solution.  The first place they went was a beautiful church called St. Joseph's in Lake Linden.

 Can you count the altars - one, two, three...four.
One - the main altar
Two - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Three - Blessed Virgin Mary
Four - above the main altar with St. Joseph


Darren - High altar
Blase - High altar
Stephen - High altar
Cormac - the room with a bunch of crosses
Rex - the outside, all the statues
Brech - the altar
Gianna - the Jesus, Mary, and Joseph statues

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