Thursday, November 6, 2014

Act of Kindness

A couple of weeks ago the kids decided to do an act of kindness for their dad.  Mom called it P.E. though so we could count it for school.  The yard was covered with a nice layer of leaves that were just begging to be raked.  I don't think the kids thought it was as good of an idea as they originally thought.  Mom said, "Who wants to rake the yard instead of doing school?"  Everyone thought it was a great idea then.  It was even suggested it was be a very nice surprise for Dad.  Well....part way through it....different tune was being sung.
 Cormac reporting for leaf duty.
 We got out the tarp after that load.
 Cormac with his commander.  (me of course)
 Rex was not happy about raking a couple of those piles.  He did a womderful job though.
 Keep up the great work, Brech Earl.
 Nice glasses, Blase!
The second-in-command taking a undeserved water break.  Though, someone had to supervise and she did an amazing job of that.

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