Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Busy Neighbors

 Our new neighbors.  I was not thrilled by them so I killed one so I could at least figure out what it was.  I found out they are mostly harmless.  They look worse than they act, so people say.  This one had dug about seven holes.  From what I gather, these big wasps dig a hole, drag a cricket down inside, paralysis it at some point, and lay their eggs nearby the cricket.  They won't sting unless you make it mad. Now I know.  I just won't make it mad.  The kids ride their bikes near the holes though.  Those big wasps are going down.
This is Gianna's version of the wasp. She asked for a piece of paper. The next thing I knew she had drawn this.  She didn't even have the wasp in front of her.  I guess she wanted to start nature study early.

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