Tuesday, December 26, 2017


We returned from our vacation on October 19th.  We were cutting it close for the snow and cold that was coming to the area.  It was a lifetime of memories in a short period of time.
 Hello, South Dakota!

Almost home - the last hour was beautiful!


Stops because of road construction: 11

Cemeteries (which we prayed for the poor souls each time): 77

License plates:
Ontario, Washington, South Carolina, Connecticut, New York, South Dakota, Wyoming, Michigan, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Alberta, Louisiana, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Kansas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Missouri, Alabama, Virginia, Alaska, California, North Dakota, North Carolina, Oregon, Nebraska, Montana, New Jersey, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Maryland
(there was a bonus that if they saw Rhode Island we would eat out - we obviously didn't see it)

Most common road kill: skunk

We couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to heal and move on.  A huge thank you to all our friends who hosted us or for making time to meet up with us on our trip.

NOW I return you to our normal scheduled life.  

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