Friday, November 13, 2009

Be careful what you wish for

I was just commenting to Darren about the fact that him and I had not had a true date, by ourselves, in over a year. That's a long time. With five boys that are far too full of energy, its hard to find a babysitter. I have to admit we really haven't tried to find one, so we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Back to the "be careful what you wish for"....

Sunday morning, during church, I started experiencing horrible pains in my belly. I thought it was gas. Darren rushed me to the ER because I couldn't walk or move without crying. I made mention to Darren that we were having a "date" of sorts and all we needed was some food and a drink. We had planned to go out for a quick drive-thru supper after the ER visit.....BUT...after a couple hours in the ER we were informed I was pregnant. Yippee right??!! didn't go so well.

The PA who was my dr. had my blood checked, all looked good so he was going to send me home. By this point the pain had lessen dramatically, so he had "forgotten" about it. It was then decided I should have a quick ultrasound to make sure it was all ok. That quick one didn't find anything, so they had a longer one done by an ultrasound tech.. After 5 hours in the ER, we were told I had a tubal pregnancy. It was a shock to say the least. I was immediately prepped for surgery and by 8 PM I was under.

The surgery went great and recovery was ok too. I don't remember any of it. Ha ha, those are some good drugs!! I was informed by my dr. that the tube had already ruptured before surgery and it had ruptured into my stomach. He also said it hadn't ruptured that day, but awhile ago. I didn't even know it was physically possible to have that happen and not have pain or die from internal bleeding. They did take out my left tube and all seems ok. I do have to have my blood tested until the pregnancy hormone level reaches 0. He does not know if they were able to retrieve all of the placenta since it had ruptured into my stomach. There are rare cases where it will attach itself to something else (stomach, intestines) and start to grow. Having my blood tested is the only way we will determine if all is well. I am still able to have more children according to the dr. and he sees no reason why it wouldn't happen sooner than later. I am happy to hear that.

I am sore from surgery, but as well as can be expected. I feel great emotionally and physically. God is good and my faith in Him has not faltered. I knew I would be ok and I know my baby is in a great place right now. I have considered naming the baby. I have had a miscarriage in the past, but never named that baby. I thought it would be fitting to name the first baby Patience and this one Faith. I remember feeling like I would love to get pregnant sooner than later after the miscarriage, but patience was a good thing too. This time my faith has been stronger than ever. Both names will be a great reminder to me in future pregnancies...I need patience and faith!

I must say...between H1N1 and this...I'm ready for a healthy, quiet rest of 2009.

Monday, November 2, 2009

All Souls Day

Please remember the soul of my brother, Mark Bestgen, in your prayers today. This is his second All Souls Day apart from us. I think I miss him more than ever lately. I could use his example of kindness and generosity right now, not to mention his smile full of love and life.

Also remember the souls of our departed friends and family. I will in turn remember those souls who are in your thoughts and prayers today.

Eternal rest grant them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saints among us

Can you guess who they are???
Blase picked St. Andrew.
Stephen picked St. George.
Cormac decided to be St. Patrick.
back view
And Rex is St. Nicholas.
His backside view.
It was fun to make the costumes and see the excitement on the boys' faces. We had a small party with another family from church. It was a fun time for all of us.

Where oh where went October?

I haven't been on here much - as you could tell if you checked. I would like to say that October went by too fast for me to post, but quite the opposite happened. It was a l-o-n-g d-r-a-w-n o-u-t month.

First off I had mastitis - which is not fun, especially when you are still nursing.

Then two weeks later - we ALL got the H1N1 flu. I had it the worse and took the longest to recover. It was miserable to say the least.

I have managed to keep somewhat of a school schedule going. I did take off one week for the H1N1 recovery attempt. The boys are doing good in school and we seem to have a routine worked out.

Darren is bow hunting. He hasn't seen any "big bucks" in person, but there are a few on the trail cam. There is one spike buck that literally follows him around. He says he can't even scare him away. It must be some good bait corn Darren's been putting out.

I have been busy working on things for church. I made some chapel veils and typed up the words to some hymns for singing. I am glad to help out, but its been interesting finding the time when we are sick.

I am hoping November is a bit kinder to us and I will have the energy to even care about posting.