Friday, July 31, 2015

Fun with Friends

We hosted a party for over 30 kids on Tuesday.  What was the occasion this time??

 The faithful water balloon fillers.
 More water balloon fillers.
 The sweet girls in the little kid pool.
 The calm and collected mothers' corner - AKA - the safety zone.

 I only got drenched three times.
I only grabbed a water gun and started the fight three times so I guess I got what was coming to me.
Funny how when a mom has a water gun there is only two sides - all the kids against her.

Planning their "take over the fort" strategy. 

 Little kid water balloon fight....
 big kid water balloon fight.

 More of the little kids' side.

 The cutest "balloon" thrower.  Mina had a ball she was throwing around just like the big kids.

 Isn't Brech a hoot?  
I guess he was still worried someone was going to shoot him with a water gun.
 Oh, I just love her ice cream face.
This was a girls' only area.

Thanks everyone for coming and sharing a wonderful afternoon with us.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Smoky Sun

These are pictures of the sun one morning back at the end of June.  This was during the big fire in Canada.  Blase thought the world was ending.  It was kind of alarming at first.  These were all taken in the morning within an hour of each other.