Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Another Snowstorm

That's a pile of snow!

Perks of my Job

 One of the cool parts of my job is meeting the people who voices are on the radio.
I met Jack and Johnnette Williams.
Jack Williams hosts Open Line and Johnnette Williams is the host of Women of Grace.

Blase and I also helped set up for the banquet where Johnnette spoke. 
Here we are having a little fun with lights and music.

Baby Jack's Baptism

 Isn't he the cutest!?
 Blase is Jack's Godfather.  His first Godchild.

 Amy loves her Baby Jack.

Halloween 2019

 Cutie pies!
 Look at those wings!
 Rex's and Blase's
 Our only trick-or-treaters
 Cormac's and Brech's
 Gianna's and Stephen's