Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One Month Old Twins

This happens to be my 600th post and the one month birthday of the twins.  Amazing how a month has past since the most wonderful and scariest night this year. The girls are still the sweetest little things.  They have been picking on their mother lately and waking at different times during the night.  I just can't bring myself to wake a sleeping baby - especially since I'd rather have that 45 minutes of sleep instead of staying up another 45 minutes.  We are nursing more and more lately.  I am not as worn out as I was earlier in the month.  I would like to say that means I am recovering nicely, though there are days when my body would disagree. 
 Kiara is catching up as you can see.
Tonight we celebrated the girls' one month birthday with purple frosted cupcakes.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Watchful Eyes and Maternity Clothes

 This is part of the mountain of clean laundry I folded today.  
These are my two adorable helpers who watched Mommy for a little bit.  One fussed, one slept.  Then the other slept and the other fussed.  Needless to say - it took all day to fold the laundry. I have to admit that the  interruptions were worthwhile and full of cuddling!  

As a side note - I bagged the maternity clothes to give away.  HARDEST. THING. THIS. WEEK.  It feels so stinkin' final now.  While it was hard, it was not impossible to do.  This is because I know that the maternity clothes are going to my sister and sister-in-law - if they want them.  I know it will be hard to see them wear the clothes, but there again, not impossible.  This is because if they are wearing them that means God has blessed them with another child and their family is growing. I pray they wear the maternity clothes to threads and we have LOTS and LOTS of nieces and nephews.

If I had a list of "Things to do to Recover" - I would check mark next to "Maternity Clothes" tonight.  I would also draw a smiley face with tears.  I'd probably write the words "Blessed Many Times Over." And I'd doodle a heart with 11 little hearts inside, one for each of my children (alive and in God's hands).  Yah, I'll be fine.  Just fine.  :-) 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Learned ~

Today is my official due date.  What a crazy three weeks this has been.

I learned that I finally know HOW to have a baby.  After all those labor and deliveries I finally had figured out how to control the pain, how to relax my body, how to breathe, and how to work with nature to make it an enjoyable experience.

I learned that birth plans don't always go the way the mother plans.

I learned that there are amazing doctors out there, even more amazing nurses, and blood donors that I owe my life to - literally.

I learned that even big girls need their mom and dad.

I learned that there is a huge difference between being brave so you don't cry and being strong while crying.

I learned that grieving for the loss of gift of bearing children is perfectly normal.  I also learned that there will be many, many things that will remind me of that gift.  I learned that I need to accept that this will not be an easy road.  And finally I learned that I am not traveling that road alone thanks to my family and friends.

I learned that the best gifts come in 12 year old, 10 year old, almost 9 year old, 7 year old, 5 year old, 2 1/2 year old, and 3 week old packages.  I learned that God gave each one just to me for this moment.

I learned that this is not the beginning of the end, but instead the end of the beginning of our family.  What we become after this greatly depends on my outlook and response to the gift of life.  My attitude, my emotions, my outlook will make or break this family if I let it.  God help me to make this family - not break it.

I learned that family and friends who pray are worth double their weight in gold, maybe even triple.

I learned that I am treasured for who I am, not for who I think I need to be.  I learned that I would be missed more than I ever realized.  I learned that seeing me alive makes people cry.  It is hard to wrap my mind around what they would have felt if I had died?

I learned that having a near-death experience results in many new Facebook friends.  Next time I think maybe I'll just start a "Karen Wants to Add More Friends" campaign and avoid the massive scaring of everyone part.

I learned that annoying, little (but taller) brothers do love me in their own, unique way.  I learned that a toast is an effective way to pray for me.  "May she live to torment us another 70 years."

I learned that Darren does cry.  I learned that he is the strongest, sweetest man.  He ranks way up high on the list with my dad for "Living Through Stressful Experiences and Coming Out of it a Better Man."

I learned that my ankles are super skinny.  No wonder my sister calls me "Chicken Legs."

I learned that babies smell good all the time, sound wonderful even when they cry, and every second of cuddling is precious in my sight.

I learned that I am Superwoman and I am not Superwoman.  The key to being Superwoman is knowing when to be SUPER and when to be just a WOMAN.

I learned that dirty clothes, hungry tummies, growing kids, the seasons turning, and life as usual do not stop just because Mom spends a bunch of extra days in the hospital.  I learned that good friends and the occasional stranger help to fill hungry tummies.  I learned that family helps to clean dirty clothes and houses.  I learned that kids never stop growing and learning even when Mom is not there to nurture them.

I learned that God loves me.  I learned that God is in control.  I learned that God has a purpose for me.  The obvious one is raising my children, loving my husband, and getting to heaven.  I can't help but wonder if there is a not-so-obvious one that He has not revealed to me yet.

I learned that nights are the hardest.  The quiet is too quiet.  The pain is too raw.  The fear still rears its ugly head.

I learned that two of the sweetest, most perfect baby girls do more to save me from the quiet, the pain, and the fear than anything else.  God is so wonderful to have given me double the love!!

I am still learning that every day is a new day and a new chance to heal.  I am learning that I will not be healed overnight and that maybe I don't want to be.  I am learning that this experience is changing me from what I was into who I am.  I am learning that I will NOT let it control me, ruin me, or discourage me.

I am learning that giving up is not an option, no matter how tired or emotional I feel.

I am learning that I will be just fine thanks to the support and love of those in my life.  Thanks.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Mommy's Sleeping Beauties!

The girls had their first doctor's check up.  They were perfect as expected.

Brigid weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Kiara was 6 pounds and 20 inches long.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Snoozin' in South Dakota

When you turn two weeks old the best way to celebrate is to visit South Dakota for the first time. 
 Both the girls were sleeping as we crossed the border.
Kiara had one eye half open.  I think she was keeping track of Gianna who sits directly behind her in the next row.  If I were Kiara I'd watch out for Gianna too!!

First Baths!!

Brigid's first bath in the sink. 
Kiara's first bath in the sink.  She fit a bit better than her sister did.

Sweet, Little Girls

Blase's idea of a joke.

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Happiest Saddest Picture

Darren took this picture with his cell phone while I was in ICU.  I had just had the ventilator removed not too long before this was picture was taken.  I was miserable and in a fair amount of pain.  Those were very good signs as I was alive.  For the record, it is about the saddest looking picture of me out there.

This is the first time I was able to hold my babies.  They were 12 hours old at this point and had just "gotten" their names.  This is one of the happiest pictures of me out there.  I have never been so grateful to hold one of my children, let alone two of them, than at this time.

It still brings tears to my eyes to think of my babies (all of them) growing up without their mommy.  I don't know if God could bless me more than He did that day.  It will be one of the best days and worst days of my life.  I hope I never forget the pain and the joy I experienced.  I pray I never forget to thank God for the memory of both as often as I can.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Random Pictures

 Do you think they look alike??
 One of the nurses wrote on their hats so we could easily tell them apart.
Snuggled in for a good sleep. 
 Getting ready to go home.
 The girls were little centers of attention when we got home.
 Grandma and Gianna taking a turn holding Brigid, I think.  (Gasp!)
 Aunt Courtney holding Kiara, I think.  (Gasp again!)
 Happy kids!!!
Flowers from Darren's work, Darren's parents, and one of Darren's co-workers when we lived in Michigan.

Visitors at the Hospital

 Grandma and Grandpa with the girls.
 Stephen with Brigid
and then Kiara 
Rex with Brigid 
 and then Kiara
 Gianna holding Kiara and Brech holding Brigid
 Blase showing off his muscles and holding both.
 Cormac holding Kiara
and finally holding Brigid

One Week Old

I took this picture last night about the time they were born a week ago. 
Kiara says "I is dis wittle," with her fingers.