Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 20th Storm

If you are new to my blog you will find out that I LOVE storms.  I will post many pictures during the spring and summer of the amazing storms we have here in the Northern Hills.  On May 20th we had a cool storm.  It looked (and smelled) like hail so we put the vehicles in the barns.  Surprise, surprise - the hail amounted to nothing worth talking about.  I think we'll go ahead and put the vehicles in the barn every storm!
 This cloud was looking very suspicious.  It did look like funnel for a bit, but by the time I got the camera it decided to behave. 
 Those are HUGE rain drops!

 I really love when you can see a storm moving across the sky.
Rain to the north and clear(ish) skies to the south.
That appears to be a wall of rain!

May Babies

Chicks and kittens are the stars of our little farm this month.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kitchen Remodel - More Painting

Bear Butte

I continue to be in awe of the beauty of Bear Butte!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Kitchen Remodel - Cabinets!

Darren started putting cabinets up. 
Now, before you freak out, I plan to paint an accent color on the walls behind the cabinets.  I decided I couldn't pick the accent until I saw the flooring and the countertops in place.  I'm toying with a couple of different options, but really not sure how dark/light I want the colors to be.  We have another cabinet color to coordinate as well.  The current paint color is in the dining room, hallway, and stairway.  We have some other plans for accenting in the dining room.  It might take ALL summer before that gets finished.  It's a start.

New Chicks

Kiara got to ride along to pick up our new chicks.  The girls and Brech each got to pick their favorite chicks as a reward for working so hard on their chores.  They each got four of their favorites.

 Kiara carefully held them on the way home.
 She was such a great helper!

 Crazy heads!
SO cute! They have been checked, double-checked, and triple-checked every day.  The kids are super excited to have new baby chicks.  Just wait until you see what's coming in the next few weeks.  Let's just say, we are crazy!!

Livingroom Camping

We started unpacking the cabinets a couple of days ago.  The girls immediately started making plans for a camping experience in the livingroom.  They slept the entire night in their own boxes.

 I spy with my little eye...a little eye.
It belongs to Brigid!!

Saturday Fun with Cousins

 Picnic in the grass and fun times outside!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mark Park has All-Seasons Fun

I found these pictures on my phone today.

This is what we were during on January 12th.

This is what we were doing on April 26th.

What a blessing the Mark Park is!!

Kitchen Remodel - Day Lost Track

I know we are pushing a month of this remodel job.  It's been slow because there are other projects and jobs that have needed to happen during this month.  I've lost track of which day we are actually on.  Enjoy these pictures from the last week.

 There is one thing more stressful than agreeing on a paint color - that's agreeing on lighting options.

Flooring is ordered and so are the counter tops.
The cabinets go in next.
We still need to discuss where the flooring will extend to in the living room.
I'm also deciding if I want an accent wall painted AND/OR the barn tin up.
We decided on doors for the closet and the back door.
There is still the matter of the propane for the stove.
We need to purchase a dishwasher.
The list doesn't seem like it has gotten any shorter.