Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A New Look

 She walked in my little girl....

and left all grown up!

How does a girl change so much in 10 minutes?

She insisted it be that short (well, she wanted it shorter, though I'm not sure she realized how short she was talking about) and that she have bangs.  She's got opinions and preferences - she's growing up and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Now We Know Whose Who

     Twinnie One Ponytail         Twinnie Two Pigtails
    Brigid                                  Kiara

Impressive Moon

First three pictures taken by Blase.

They aren't the clearest, but still a great memory we shared together.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Two Year Old Twinnies

Wednesday was one of the busiest days of our year.  So much to celebrate!
A birthday for Brech.
A birthday for Brigid.
A birthday for Kiara.
A Confirmation saint namesake feast day for Cormac.
Wow, what a day.
 They can hardly wait for the twins to open their presents.
The first and only shared gift was a Tupperware dish set.

 These girls wear out their toothbrushes faster than any of our other children.

 New books for church
and pretty bracelets for all the time.

 A phone for Brigid
 and one for Kiara.
She couldn't put it down.
 See ^^^^^ 
I told you so!
 New pretties for their hair.
 This boy patiently waited until his sisters opened their presents before he opened his.
Whatta guy!
 Still on the phone.
 Maybe calling Grandma?

 Ohhh, fun things to write on with!
 Thanks Aunt Mauri, Uncle Peter and girls for the little dolls and suckers.
 She put down the phone for the sucker.  Amazing!
 New babies for the girls - complete with bottles!!

And Grandma and Grandpa bought them strollers!  Yippee!!

Taking their babies for a walk while talking on the phone.

All the presents!

Brech's 7th Birthday and Cake for All


Brech Earl


A Seventh Birthday in Pictures

featuring his wonderful siblings
and a little cake.


 Twinnies birthday cupcakes - Kiara's candles are pink and Brigid's are purple.

 Needing a little help blowing out candles.
 Her too.

 Photo bomb take one.
Photo bomb take two.