Thursday, March 23, 2017

Milesville Community Play

The local community puts on a play every winter to help raise money to pay some of the expenses at the community hall.  This year they did a western play.  Stephen helped with prompting and sound effects (which he did a great job with the timing).  Blase helped run the cameras to record the play all three shows.  Darren took a couple of the kids and went Friday night, Gianna and I went Saturday night, and Cormac went on Sunday with Aunt Courtney and Grandma Gebes.

(Stephen wouldn't come out to take a bow after the show, so I didn't get a picture of him.)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Check the Water, I Said.

 Umm, that's not really what I meant when I said check the water.
Good idea - not sure they could see anything though.  We need a bright object that floats and then maybe it would be effective.  Blase still had to go check the water after it was all said and done.

Just Don't Ask Them to Smile

There are times when I feel we need an updated picture of the twins.  They are growing and changing SO much it seems like they are different girls every week.  I have found that the spontaneous pictures usually work the best.  Rarely do they cooperate when I actually ASK for a picture.  Here is proof. 
 Mommy, take our picture.
 SMILE.  Please?
That Kiara is one tough cookie.  She just wouldn't smile the rest of the time we were taking pictures.

When We Pushed Snow

At the end of January we were still pushing snow on a regular basis.  This is Darren's dad, Mike, taking a few rounds in the pasture.  
(Currently we are housing heifers and their babies in this pasture - there is NO snow at the moment.)

I'm hoping these days are behind us.  Spring, please stay!