Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Queen for the Day

Yes, they called me "Your Highness" all day.

Lia's Birthday Party

We were invited to Lia's birthday party.  The kids had a great time bowling.
 The twins were "twinning" their scores.
 Gianna had a great time!

Kiara Baptized the Baby

We had a new nephew join the family during that snowstorm.  We were talking about how Baby Jack was going to be baptized.  Next thing I knew Kiara was baptizing her baby.

2019-2020 School Picture

 First day of the maybe eighth week of school.  We may have been a bit behind on this.

Rex - 9th, Cormac - 9th, Stephen - 11th/12th
Brech - 5th
Gianna - 3rd, Brigid - K/1st, Kiara - K/1st
 The teacher's selfie - with a little help.
Photobomber alert!

First Snowstorm

We had our first major storm of the fall/winter on October 10 and 11th.
 I drove the pickup, Rex (besides taking pictures) was the calf whisperer, and Blase had the rough job of chasing the calf on the 4-wheeler for over an hour.
 Good thing we got Boba in when we did.  He was much happier near the barn.
 The kids love snow.
Well, not Blase as he shovels snow...and it gets old fast!

Some of the 2019 Canning

This is some of the canning we did this fall.  This does not include all the stuff we froze from the garden.  I got sick of canning so a lot of the produce went to the chickens.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019 Garden Update #2

 Our garden did well.  Almost too well!

 I canned only a third of the produce.

 We were also blessed with apples from Aunt Norma's tree.

 So many tomatoes!

 Carrots and beets...green onions...
peppers and zucchini 

We had such a great season.  God blessed us.  The crazy thing is - we only watered three times all summer.  God truly blessed us.

Birthday, Birthday, Birthday

September 23rd is our big birthday day of the year.  Three birthdays, three happy kids.
The girls gave their brother a huge hug for his birthday.

 They are so cute!!

The smoke is getting pretty thick.  He must be getting old.