Saturday, February 20, 2021

St. Nicholas Feast Day

St. Nicholas Feast Day was celebrated with their normal level of excitement.  In other words, someone remembered last minute before bed that it was the night to put out the shoes. Then someone else started the debate about "should we use church shoes or snow boots?"  That quickly led to "Church shoes.  Bed.  Now."  Blase was gone on a vocations visit to a formation house, but his sisters made sure he was included.  

They all received an addition to the SaintCards game, socks from Sock Religious, candy, and an orange.  The biggest disappointment was that there were no candy coins.  Big fail, Mom.



The girls got their hair cut just before Halloween.  It had been awhile (like a year...) since they had their hair cut and they were getting tired of the length.  Too cute!!


Halloween 2020

We had a fun time carving pumpkins with the four littles who aren't so little anymore.

This one might have issues with slimy pumpkin insides.

A Mandalorian ready to battle the spider webs.
Two princesses
joined by a third princess.

We also attended a birthday party for their cousin, Lia.

Hunting rabbits
Not sure who is hunting who here.

We decorated INSIDE this year instead of outside.  Poor Ben wouldn't even come into the house to get his candy without the safety of his dad's arms.