Sunday, June 29, 2014

When the Camera Goes Missing - Part Three

When the camera goes missing it is usually Brech and Gianna.
 This time they were sword-fighting with a magnetic curtain holder.  What inspires them?
 A delicate balancing act.  "It was way awesome, Mom!"
 Ummm, now we are dancing with it.
Most likely singing "Let it go, let it go!" 
 As well as pretending she knows how to snap her fingers.
I am awesome, way awesome!

Rex's 8th Birthday

 On Friday, the 27th, Rex turned 8 years old.
 Thanks Grandpa, Grandma, and Loman for the COOLEST gift ever.  Rex said, "Awesome, I'll shall call him 'Lunch'. Get it, lunch?"
 Minions....birthday complete!
 "My favorite movie - EVER!"  Yes, Rex - I know that's why we bought it for you.
 Stephen gave Rex a boomerang.  It was one of those "I can't wait until you try it," moments for Stephen.  He and Brech took it out for a spin afterwards.  The wind didn't cooperate. 
From Blase....wrapping paper layer one. 
 Wrapping paper layer two.  
(Be glad it wasn't princess wrapping paper, Rex.)
Finally, the reward!! 
 He requested General Grievous last year for his birthday.  It only took a year to get it, but I think he thinks it was worth the wait.  By the way - he has already started requesting things for his next birthday.  Why wait when you can throw out the wish list right away.

These next two pictures are just to show Gianna.
  I shall call them..."Excited for my Brother!"
 She sure was excited.
 No wonder she was excited - a BOW and arrows?  "It is my best birthday, EVER!"
(Yah, we heard that "ever" statement a lot.  Isn't that an indication of a great birthday?)
 Umm, Darren said the guy who wrote on the cake apologized for his lack of skills.  I don't feel so bad for my lack of skills, but it is nice to know at the right place I could still get a job.
 Happy birthday, Rex!!!
A brithday 21 fart gun salute - "I counted 22."  
Minions...gotta have the Minion reference.

Thanks to everyone for the presents and money.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Good Big Sister

 Gianna decided to feed the girls some yogurt bites today.
They were super pleased to have more food and Gianna was happy to be a good helper today.

Helper? Maybe Not!

She likes to think she is a helper.  She is, sometimes.  

Blase had just mopped the floor so I wasn't too concerned that she would make it worse.  She's been known to undo more than she does.  She's going to be a great helper soon.  I just hope her willingness to help doesn't diminish before her abilities blossom.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Nap Time

 This is the sight I saw when the twins woke up from their nap the other day.
 Umm, wow, looking a bit like identical twins in this picture.  
Brigid is in the brown crib and Kiara in the white crib.
So happy to see Mommy.  Now please put down the camera and take us out of here!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stephen Serves Mass

Stephen served his first Mass today.  He has been very hesitant to serve. 
 He is on the schedule one more time.  We told him he had to serve just these two times and then we would talk about if he wanted to continue or not.
I wasn't able to attend as the three little girls are sick.  I hear he did a great job.  He came home pleased so I am assuming he is not too concerned about his mistakes.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Weekend Blast

We traveled to South Dakota over the weekend for my sister's graduation party.  It was long, short weekend, but worth every minute to be there for Juliana's party.
 This was the best picture of the "Honey Moon" we were able to take.  It was beyond words beautiful!  We only saw it for about 10 minutes near Miller, SD before the rain clouds rolled in.  

Two very epic things happened as the rain clouds took over the sky.

First - I allowed our dog, Jimmer, to ride in the van with us. He had been in his kennel on the trailer.  I don't mind animals, really.  I do mind animals in houses and vehicles.  So for me to allow Jimmer in the van was a big, big deal.  It was a good thing we let him in though.

Second - the rain storm itself.  WOW!  Insane. Powerful. We were fortunate that most of the storm was north and south of us.  We did hit an intense area near Pierre.  It was late, almost 11 PM, so it was dark.  The lightning was flashing all around us.  There was both sheet lightning and ground strikes.  Sometimes the whole sky was lit up.  Beautiful. Frightening.  It seemed only appropriate that we were listening to Cello Wars, by The Piano Guys over and over again.  I was amazed at how many times the lightning happened to flash at all the right places during the music.  Epic. Moving.  If you ever drive through a lightning storm - turn on Cello Wars and it will make the experience so much more enjoyable.  I can't wait to go through another storm (it can stay to the north and south again).
 Meet Brigid's new security force.
 He's actually Aunt Juliana's boyfriend.
 Bella and Becky were checking out Juliana's cake.  I think they were among the first to get a piece of cake.  They are so stinkin' adorable!  What a lucky aunt I am!!
 Juliana and her amazing and yummy cake.
 Good times with family and friends!
 Kaylene is hiding....we still know it is you.
 The quilt I make for Juliana.  It is a signature quilt like the one I made for Mauri when she graduated.  This is the project that required a new sewing machine last minute.  It is also the reason I am sporting a battle scar.  I'm not sure who won though.
 This is the only up close picture of the quilt I took.
We were getting ready to leave Monday morning when Mom suggested she have a picture with the twins.  Yes, we were all dam tired after this weekend.  Even the girls who refused to sleep well.  Traveling really isn't fun when babies are teething and won't sleep.  Here's hoping the next trip is smoother.

He Tickles Me

One boy.
One How to Train Your Dragon Happy Meal box. (thanks Aunt Courtney)
One punched out set of dragon wings.
A little tape.
He calls himself "Mustache Man".

He tickles me.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

No Pain, No Gain

 June 6th - smash middle finger in ladder, swells up, hurts like heck
June 12th - run same middle finger through new sewing machine, swelling up, hurts like heck

Yes, I did take that picture before I pulled the string through.  Yes, I did just tell myself yesterday that I haven't had any finger and needle collisions.  How recent - less than 10 minutes ago. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Pentecost!

These are the cakes I made for the potluck today.  Yummy!

Saturday, June 7, 2014