Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have been "missing in action" in the blogging world. Let me tell you - I have had TONS of blog posts "happen" since my last post that I haven't had the time to post. Every time I sit down to post, something else happens. I will get through this one because only 2 of the 5 boys are awake at the moment.

So since I have posted last here's a brief list of what we have done....
  • Brech had another tooth come in.
  • That same week, he had roseola - we didn't sleep those 3 days.
  • Spring cleaning the kitchen
  • St. Patrick's Day party with guests (10 adults, 9 kids) complete with corned beef & cabbage and Irish Cream Chocolate Cheesecake.
  • Violin lessons - its still going...ok
  • a grouse tried to take out our front window, blood and guts still on the window (yuck, I know)
  • a trip to Houghton, MI to Michigan Tech for a Latin Mass information meeting, I answered a couple questions
  • school - we are on track to finish before Mauri's wedding
  • another mean migraine headache, man do I dislike those!!!
  • Darren bought a new gun, I bought a new laptop - its coming TODAY!!!
  • Cormac and Rex finished their school for the year.
  • new haircut (I had some trimmed off the last new haircut)
  • wrote some new entries for my book
  • still maintaining a fruitful Lent, looking forward to Easter
  • Playing Michigan Branch Office secretary for my parents as they can't get on the internet. That means I have been checking their email every day.
  • Planted some seeds for the garden. We have some beautiful Sunflower plants growing. I plan on posting pictures soon.
  • created a dump book for myself - thanks Cindy Rushton for that great idea
  • decided we are staying for 3 weeks in South Dakota after Mauri's wedding

Ok, so that is just a few of the things we have done. Its been a busy few weeks. I am hoping that with the laptop I can post more often as I won't have to wait for Blase to get off the computer. He's been doing two or three lessons in Math a day. He has only 19 lessons left for the year. He's so excited! He has been doing a great job, but takes up my computer time. Oh well, a small price to pay to finish the school year.

I hope you haven't missed me too much. I know my posts aren't worth much in the blogging world, but hey you're the one who is reading it so it must mean something to you. I'm sure if I took a head count it would officially number....2 readers. Ha ha


Amber Dawn said...

When you count your readers you can definitely count me :-) Love you Karen! When is Mauri's wedding?

Kateri said...

Hey, I one of your readers too! (Or where you counting me as one of the two?) Sounds like you have been very busy. I am curious to know what a dump book is?

Karen said...

Amber - Mauri's wedding is April 24.

Kateri - I did count you among the 2 stated. A dump book is just a notebook, or in my case a 3-ring binder with dividers and paper, where you dump everything on your mind or heart. You would have different sections for every aspect of your life. Write down what need to do or want to address in regards to the job, the person, the situation. Then you can easily plan out your month, year with sticky notes and a calendar. I feel that even just writing it all down helps me to not dwell on problems or what needs to get done. Its like a burden has been lifted - I don't have to remember it anymore because its written down.