Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How 'Bout Dem Apples?



I should be tired of apples!

We canned 34 quarts of apple pie filling last Saturday. My brother Paul wondered how long it would take us to use that many quarts of pie filling. As long as it takes to find a sucker to take them off our hands??? Actually I did keep our family and friends in mind when I was making and making and making more pie filling. I am hoping that someone will want to help us eat them.

Darren bought a ton of apples for apple pie filling and for dehydrating. We have filled up the dehydrator twice now. We have one of the BIG dehydrators with too many shelves. Oh but the effort is well spent!! Nothing beats fresh dried apples. The boys love them!!

Darren also plans to dehydrate bananas in the future. I'm sure that will happen after he takes care of all the deer he is bound to get. Our dehydrator stays "dormant" most of the year, but when we use it - we really use it. I just hope there is time and energy left to make some more fruit roll ups. Darren does a good job on those as well!!!

On and exciting side note - I finished using up all the zucchini last Friday night. The last batch of jelly/jam is DONE!! This time I tried blueberry pie filling and berry blue jello and it seemed to taste good. Cormac liked it - 'nough said!

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