Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May South Dakota Trip Part 1

I drove all the kids and myself down to my parents' house in South Dakota for the first week of May.  We had a great drive down and made a lot of memories.
Poor Kiara wasn't thrilled.
First fit - check.
The boys have some amazing uncles.  They got the go-kart working.
It was runs on one Blase power.  Sometimes.

Brigid was our gate monitor.  She tried to keep the door shut, but Kiara kept wanting to through the door.  Silly sister!
The new flag pole at the Mark Park.
Go Blase GO!
Watch out!  I'm not sure what is scarier - Grandpa driving or Tory driving.
Kiara ran after them all the way to volleyball court.  She cried the whole time.

Way to work together!!
The twins didn't sleep well while we were there.  It wasn't unusual for me to be up until 2, 3, 4 AM before both of them would sleep at the same time.  Long.week.
The girls did wake up happy most mornings.  They really, really enjoyed eating cereal from little bowls with Grandma.

Gianna got to open her birthday presents from Grandma and Grandpa when we got there.  She got three new Disney princess games.  We had a lot of fun playing with Jenna and Bella.
Jenna decided it was more exciting to play with the game pieces instead of actually playing the game.
Spin Bella!! Get a good number!
Bella was looking for her princess's friend token.
Go Gianna!!!  YEAH!
Oh so much fun!
And the winner was - Gianna!!

We had a few animal visitors.  This cat belongs to Bella and Jenna, but came to visit a couple of times.

Brigid loved this toy.  She played a lot with it. I think the best part was the the play phone, but the music was a close second!

We were able to play at the park a couple of days.
Hummm...that looks safe.  ha ha ha
Crazy kids!

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