Friday, June 5, 2015

Rex's Confirmation and First Holy Communion

On Pentecost Sunday, Rex received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.  He was the only one who received this sacraments at the Extraordinary Form Mass in Fargo, ND.  It was a great day and a special ceremony.  We would like to thank Bishop Folda for granting permission and a special thank you to Monsignor Goering for administering the sacraments and offering the Mass. 
 Blase and Stephen were not suppose to serve that day, but the Norberg boys offered to let them serve for Rex's special day.
 The beginning of the Confirmation ceremony.

 Rex spent a lot of time trying to decide which saint he wanted to choose as his Confirmation saint.
 He ended up choosing St. Nicholas.
Rex Howard Nicholas
I like it.
 Rex picked his Uncle Adam for his Confirmation sponsor.

 Getting ready for his First Holy Communion.
 I have to mention that after Communion I was so overwhelmed with love for God and for Rex that I had to shed a few tears.  I am so blessed and so are my children!

 Monsignor Goering and Rex

 Adam and Rex
Rex with Grandpa and Grandma Bestgen
Thank you Grandpa, Grandma, and Adam for coming to the Confirmation and First Holy Communion.

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