Friday, April 22, 2016

Just a Little Sewing

The girls fought over this one pillow of Gianna's every. single. night.

When I went shopping for material for Loman's costume I found the perfect material in the remnant section.  It even came in the two colors I needed.  I believe it was meant to be. 
 I had two little pillows that I covered and just enough material leftover for small blankets for them or their babies.  Talk about happy girls!
One shoe on and wearing his big sister's socks.  Sigh.

The first week they slept with their pillows and the little blankets.  The second week they slept with just the pillows.  The third week they slept with their normal blankets and pillows.  Now the pillows and blankets spend more time in the toy box, but at least it was pure happiness while it lasted.  They will randomly take the pillows and blankets out to use when they are reading books or taking a nap.

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