Sunday, June 26, 2016

All the Crazies are on the Road

On May 27th we headed to South Dakota with the first load of things we were taking to my parents' house.  Darren had the pickup and the enclosed trailer with Stephen and Brech.  I had the van and a smaller trailer with the rest of the kids.  I was about 5 miles ahead of Darren (I left early to get gas and still managed to get that far ahead of Darren) when he called to say there was a crazy person on the road.  NO, not me!!  Well, yes, me, but that's a given.  

Darren said there was a guy in a little white car driving up the wrong side of the other side of the interstate, down in the ditch, across the road in front of them (about a hundred yards), and back again.  There were a couple of cops chasing him.  The crazier part in all of this was that this was a construction zone so there was only one lane of traffic on our side of the interstate.  Darren recommended I pull over at the next exit.

Of course I would grab the camera in anticipation of a great opportunity! 
 This is the cop driving into the ditch.
 Poor guy.  Darren said that one of the cops was following the guy and ended up driving through some wet cement and popping his tires.
Back up on the way!!
They had stopped the guy by this time.

Then about 10 miles from Redfield, SD we were driving through a super intense rainstorm.  Some not -so-smart dude passed me (I was behind Darren) and just about clipped my front end.  He stayed between Darren and I for only about a mile.  I ended up calling Darren to tell him to stop in Redfield because we needed a potty break.  As I was about to hang up the dude in the minivan decided to pass Darren.  I totally freaked out because there was a semi-truck coming right at the van.  Darren didn't even know the van was beside him until I yelled.  I braked, Darren braked and the guy pulled in JUST barely in time.  He about clipped Darren and would have if Darren hadn't braked and swerved the moment before.  THEN the dude stopped at the same gas station we did.  Boy did Darren give him an earful about putting our family in harms way.  I don't want to think about how horrible it would have been if the semi had hit the van, then van hit Darren, and I would have hit Darren.  MESSY!  Scary!

Needless to say - all the crazies were on the road that day.
Moving is hazardous to your health!

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