Saturday, October 3, 2020

I Killed My Computer

 So, I killed my computer.  I fried my system board.  Then I bought a new computer, learned how to change out a hard drive, and thanked God for a good friend who walked me through the whole process.  I can't say that's the whole excuse of why I haven't posted anything.  It was September's excuse, along with school, work, and teaching a Confirmation class.  August's excuse was 30-60 hour work weeks and canning, plus starting school mid-August.  July's excuse was gardening, prepping for school, and work.  It boils down to I've been busy and my computer paid the price for my "hurry up and just get this crumb out of the way, oops". 

Hopefully I can find the time this fall to catch up on posting our lives.

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