Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Blase

When did I get so old?  My oldest turned 11 today.  That's a short two years away from a teenager. 
 He had a great day filled with gifts and fun.
Did he get enough presents?? 
From Gianna 
 S'mores and M&M trail mix from Brech.
 Star Wars Legos from Rex.
 Rocks and Minerals cards and 100 Paper Planes to Fly (100 papers you can fold
 into 4 types of paper airplanes) from Cormac.

He also received Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from Stephen.
 Shirts from Mom and Dad.  He opens this presents and says "You've got to be kidding me!"
You see, last night he picked out this shirt at Cabela's.  He was going to pay his dad back for the shirt, but instead received it as a present.  "You've got to be kidding me!"
 A new, quite nice Bible and a missal for church.
 The whole enchilada!!
 He put the Star Wars Legos together right away.
 I folded some airplanes for his brothers.  He was such a nice young man to share.
The boys had me hook up the computer to the TV and watch Kung Fu Panda
 "Secrets of the Furious Five" on Netflix.  And since it isn't good enough to watch
 it on the TV alone, Brech had to watch it on the computer TOO.  He's a goofball. 
 Good birthday memory.  There was a lot of laughing during the movie.
 Happy Birthday Blase!
 These cool cupcakes had rings on the top.  I cheated and had Wal-mart bake.
 Happy Birthday to you...
 Someone get a bucket of water - its gonna start a fire!!
Everyone picked their "Avenger" tonight.

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