Friday, October 26, 2012


Normal is just a setting on the dryer.

I read this on Facebook this week.  Yes, normal is just a setting on the dryer.  In all honesty we have been what I would call normal.  No cute pictures to post, no new stories to share, nothing of grave importance.  We have been normal.

We have been busy though.  School and normal stuff (see there's that word again).  Some wonderful person gave us three boxes of tomatoes so I will be canning tomatoes tomorrow - oh, I guess its today already.  We are hosting a small get together for some friends here at our house on Saturday.  We are patiently waiting for that day to come.  I am pretending like I am sewing costumes for All Saints Day, but all I've managed to do is dream about them and iron the material.  I still try to get a half hour to an hour worth of my schooling done in the evenings.  Twice a week I listen in to essential oil training classes or webinars. All just normal stuff in our lives, routine it seems. Ok, I guess none of that is really normal by most standards.  Perhaps I should say "We have been abnormal."

Oh, I guess something not so normal happened.  I killed Pete.  Yes, poor Pete is in fishy heaven now.  I wasn't even thinking about the water and, being the good person I am, cleaned his fish tank.  I filled up with our tap water, because that's what I did at the last house (old habits die a lot harder than fish!).  Well, our tap water killed poor Pete.  I should have used the filtered water.  Makes me wonder about what that tap water is doing to us!!  I have promised Stephen another fish.  You will have to stand by while we locate a fish that fits his needs.  We already have a name picked out, if it sticks.  Oh the suspense is going to get to you, huh!?!?!

Brech Earl spent last weekend in South Dakota with Darren.  He came home a happy, tired boy.  Its amazing how your kid can be gone for only 4 days, but when he returns you notice how old he has gotten in those 4 days.  I still look at him and wonder if that's the same kid that left with his daddy.  Gianna is happy to have her buddy home.  She was lost without Brech and couldn't sleep at night since her daddy was gone.  Darren puts Gianna in her crib every night.  I guess just having that part of her routine missing was enough to mess up both of our sleep schedules.

Normal is just a setting on the dryer.  Unless abnormal has become the norm.

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